Mint House

This is a generic Public Assembly project to showcase the frontend usage of Assembly Press.

To deploy your own version of Mint House, please first review this tutorial on deploying an Assembly Press Curation Contract

To deploy the Mint House frontend you will need a Github account. Additionally you will need API keys from signing up and creating two new projects on Alchemy for both Goerli and Mainnet usage. This will be two separate projects with two different keys. Retain these values for the following step.

You should then have the following necesary environment variables:

  • address of the contract (0x...) in environment variables (NEXT_PUBLIC_PRESS_ADDRESS)
  • your project name (NEXT_PUBLIC_PROJECT_NAME)

Once you do, click following Vercel wizard button to get started:

Deploy with Vercel

Copy and paste the necessary strings to their corresponding values and confirm the deployment.

Getting Started for Development

Open a terminal and clone your newly created repo to your local environment. Navigate to the cloned directory and run:

npm install
# or
yarn install
# or
pnpm install

This will get all necessary packages for development.

You will then need to copy .env.example and rename to .env.local and fill in all the same values from the initial deployment steps above.

Then you can run the development server via:

npm dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Page routes at [receipt] will automatically be generated by the curation receipts as minted to your Assembly Press contract.

This will autofill the indexed view of all receipts with navigation and the [receipt]/mint page where the media details and mint functionlity should populate.

Learn More

To learn more about public assembly, take a look at the following resources: