Process GTFS Static/Schedule by importing it into a PostgreSQL database.
- 0
implement features of kiel-live/transport-hub
#69 opened by derhuerst - 5
calculating travel time graphs on this
#67 opened by Dabendorf - 0
Updating/Replacing feature would be nice.
#68 opened by PauldeKoning - 2
- 0
implement features of multigtfs
#64 opened by derhuerst - 1
- 2
Question: Is there a reason a dedicated PostgreSQL role is create for PostGraphile?
#61 opened by dancesWithCycles - 0
implement features of mobroute
#62 opened by derhuerst - 0
add extended/basic route types as a table
#21 opened by derhuerst - 10
support for DuckDB or ClickHouse?
#31 opened by patricksheehan - 6
ERROR: new row for relation "trips" violates check constraint "valid_shape_id"
#55 opened by dancesWithCycles - 8
- 0
expose import metrics
#54 opened by derhuerst - 1
Missing SRID 4326 for shapes_aggregated.shape
#48 opened by hbruch - 1
implement primary keys from spec
#15 opened by derhuerst - 2
Multiple GTFS for one db error
#52 opened by mnai01 - 3
Taking hours to load into db with view tags
#50 opened by mnai01 - 1
Add support for fare_leg_rules.txt
#42 opened by langbein-daniel - 11
- 7
- 6
Docker Image Missing
#41 opened by langbein-daniel - 2
add integration for Martin tile server?
#40 opened by derhuerst - 0
- 0
implement features of gtfs-server
#4 opened by derhuerst - 0
- 0
add stop search by name
#23 opened by derhuerst - 7
Update an existing import
#37 opened by jusabatier - 4
Problem using Docker image
#36 opened by jusabatier - 2
- 0
rename arrivals_departures to stopovers?
#30 opened by derhuerst - 1
Link to buy a commercial license is broken
#29 opened by 1Maxnet1 - 0
implement features of gtfs-sequelize
#7 opened by derhuerst - 1
use prepared inserts for performance
#1 opened by derhuerst - 11
ShapeId is not a unique identifier
#20 opened by adrianleh - 0
frequencies.txt: support exact_times=0
#19 opened by derhuerst - 1
support frequencies.txt
#2 opened by derhuerst - 2
Too strict service_id foreign key requirement
#16 opened by hbruch - 2
Dependency on (optional) calendar_dates file
#18 opened by brianlove - 2
convert Time values properly
#6 opened by derhuerst - 1
don't hardcode Europe/Berlin time zone
#9 opened by derhuerst - 0
performance tweak: pass CSV through directly?
#12 opened by derhuerst - 1
add option to ignore shapes
#8 opened by derhuerst - 1
CI : build & publish static executable
#11 opened by derhuerst - 0
connections view is painfully slow
#10 opened by derhuerst - 0