
deploy a demo application with built in config and with port 8081

How to deploy

Automatically with sed


sed -i "s/REPLACEME/$(whoami | sed 's/_/-/g')/g" kustomization.yml ingress.yml


Search for all occurences of REPLACEME. Replace it with your account name, e.g. schulung-5.


Execute the following command to deploy the demo application to your namespace.

kubectl apply -k .

Checking health

If there are no errors during apply, check the output of kubectl get ingress to verify that the Ingress has been created.

Now you can browse to the shown address.

Build with docker

docker build app -t europe-west3-docker.pkg.dev/swr-schulung-basic-1/swr-schulung-basic-1/echo-demo:latest
docker push europe-west3-docker.pkg.dev/swr-schulung-basic-1/swr-schulung-basic-1/echo-demo:latest

Build with buildah

buildah bud --tag europe-west3-docker.pkg.dev/swr-schulung-basic-1/swr-schulung-basic-1/echo-demo:latest
buildah push europe-west3-docker.pkg.dev/swr-schulung-basic-1/swr-schulung-basic-1/echo-demo:latest