
Part of a Networking UNI course.

Primary LanguageJava



With make

Recommended for Linux and macOS


With javac

Recommended for Windows

javac -Xlint:deprecation ProxyCache.java HttpRequest.java HttpResponse.java SCache.java SSHelpers/Util.java

Running the program

java ProxyCache <port-number> [args]
# Example:
java ProxyCache 5001

Next change your browsers or system proxy settings and start browsing the web.

Commandline flags

  • -v --verbose
    • Prints verbose output
  • -a, --secure
    • Proxy HTTPS/TLS connections. (experimental as it can course 100% CPU usage)
  • -e --expires
    • Check expires header when checking the freshness of an object in the cache.

Generating JavaDocs

With make

Recommended for Linux and macOS

make docs

With javadoc

Recommended for Windows

javadoc SCache.java HttpRequest.java HttpResponse.java ProxyCache.java -d docs -doctitle 'SS Proxy Cache API Specification' -windowtitle 'SS Proxy Cache API Specification' -subpackages SSHelpers -version -author