
Emacs Turtle and Notation 3 mode (forked from https://bitbucket.org/nxg/ttl-mode)

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

This is an Emacs mode for editing Turtle (RDF) files.

I've changed the indenting for ttl-mode somewhat to support graphs ({}) better.

Original readme:

It is based on an excellent start made by Hugo Haas. I've extended it to support indentation, some electric punctuation, and hungry delete.

To use, download the file ttl-mode.el from Bitbucket (or clone the project), put the file in the emacs load path (look at the variable load-path to find where emacs currently searches), and add something like the following to your .emacs file.

(autoload 'ttl-mode "ttl-mode" "Major mode for OWL or Turtle files" t)
(add-hook 'ttl-mode-hook    ; Turn on font lock when in ttl mode
(setq auto-mode-alist
        '("\\.n3" . ttl-mode)
        '("\\.ttl" . ttl-mode))

Comments and contributions most welcome.

ttl-mode.el is released under the terms of the two-clause BSD licence (see the ttl-model.el header for the licence text).

Norman Gray