
Binary object notation

Primary LanguageJavaScript

BON (Binary Object Notation)

BON is a binary notation for a fast conversion of object, defined for working in every programmaing languages. It is designed for being autoconsistent format in nested way, it has a extensible definition and can used in streams or multi-message protocols, it can use used for conditional conversions or for iterators with undefined size, it can be used for static or dynamic serialization:

  • static :data types are not saved in the the binary so it suppose the deserializer knows the abstract data type used in the binary data. You have to use Binary object for complex serializations or BON.serialize with strict=true or BON.encode.
  • dynamic: serializalization is auto-descriptive so you can use BON.unserialize. It permits to validate data or extract validation schema in automatic way.

The numbers are serialized in big endian order. The properties names are encoded in compressed way in a 6bit encoding (accepted characters are [ a-z, A-Z,0-9, _ ,$] , maximum length is 255 ).Javascript handles numbers in a special simplified way, so for supporting integer, and floating point numbers and bit length there is the additional class TypedNumber. There are 26 different of data type already defined, but you can extend the protocol with other custom serialization. The main data types are:

  • 0 null ( null or undefined value)
  • 1 typed object (object with properties all of same type)
  • 2 untyped object (object with properties of different types)
  • 3 typed array (array with elements all of same type)
  • 4 untyped array (array with elements if different types)
  • 5 typed iterator ( a iterator of elements of specific type but unforeseeable size. Usefull for a stream of objects)
  • 6 untyped iterator ( a iterator of elements of unforeseeable type and size.Usefull for a stream of objects)
  • 7 entity id ( EID object is a 128bit universal identifier: you can convert it in a alphanumeric string and vs )
  • 8 reference (Reference object is a 32bit reference for other data , for example attachments )
  • 9 type (Type object is used for defining data type when you want to keep just a schema of a object )
  • 10 bool (boolean data or Boolean object)
  • 11 utf8 (string data or String object)
  • 12 uint8 (TypedNumber )
  • 13 int8 (TypedNumber )
  • 14 uint16 (TypedNumber )
  • 15 int16 (TypedNumber )
  • 16 uint32 (TypedNumber )
  • 17 int32 (TypedNumber )
  • 18 uint64 (TypedNumber )
  • 19 int64 (TypedNumber )
  • 20 float32 (TypedNumber )
  • 21 float64 (TypedNumber or Number object or number data )
  • 22 binary (ArrayBuffer or Blob object)
  • 23 date (Date object)
  • 24 regexp (RegExp object)
  • 25 bitset (BitSet is a object for handling a set of bits)
  • 26 property (Property is a object for handling a single couple name - value. It can be used in a iterator for a stream of properties or for a not default name property (name length >255 or name characters not in set [ a-z, A-Z,0-9, _ ,$] ))

Javascript library

This is a javascript library for serializing objects in BON notation. javascript don't know natively integer with 8,16,32,64 bits. The just number known in this language is Number that is a 64-bit floating point. This library permits to handle all the data types known in other languages ( for example C , java , C# ....). In addition it permits to serialize also a set of bits , dates, regular expressions, binary blobs. You can serialize objects in stripped version or unstripped version. The first one permits to save data types in the stream , so the unserializer can rebuild the object correctly without write additional code. In this case the serialization and the unserialization are completely transparent. In the stripped mode, the serialization dont save data types of the object (in nested way). This permits to save space or permits to pass fastly data structure statically defined. You can also to imagine to use in a part stripped mode and in a part unstripped mode.

serialize (object , stripped=false, with_checksum=false) /* serialize data ,you can strip data type, you can add checksum at the end of buffer*/
encode (object ,  with_checksum=false) /* serialize removing data type info and containers info*/
unserialize (binary ,with_checksum=false) /* to use in unstripped mode. */

Example direct serialization :

var bs = new BitSet();
for(var n = 0; n < 102; n++) {   if (n%2) continue;   bs.set(n); }
var b=[new Date(),{},null,{a:3,b:"ciao ",c:true,d:new TypedNumber(200,'uint64'),e:bs}];
console.log(JSON.stringify(b)); // you can see object before serialization
var r=BON.serialize(b);
console.log(r); // you can see the binary format of this object
var t=BON.deserialize(r);
console.log(JSON.stringify(t)); // you can see object after deserialization

Example for complex serialization

var message=new Binary(buffer);
var obj1=message.toObject();
if (message.toBoolean()) alert(message.toUTF8());
else {
var e=message.toEID();

Example for stream serialization(usable with packet type like UDP(with multiple consecutive packets) or TCP)

var ite=message.toUntypedIterator(function(elem,last){
var onReceive=function(buf){
//when you receive new buffer .... you append it 

Why you might use BON instead BSON?

There are many resons:

    1. BON is a more performant protocol, it uses less space for the object rappresentation. In addition, is designed for being more general-purpose, with many more basic data types present in other programming languages, and not targetted to a specific application.
    1. BON has a completely recursive definition: in this way you can use few memory for reading or writing object or manipulatin it on the fly. Using Binary class utility, you can also embed in the binary or custom data structures or another object binary calling BON in nested way.
    1. BON is simply extendable adding other types for converting in automatic way custom structures.
    1. BON permits to receive streams of objects by a server using iterator type.
    1. using encode function and stripped mode you can send binary packet for any specific protocol without to write code for binary conversion.
    1. BON is designed for serialization not only of a object but also of the schema of a object.


Copyright (c) 2015 Lorenzetto Cristian. Licensed under the MIT license.