
Web wrapper of niklasb/libc-database

Primary LanguageHTML


Web wrapper of libc-database


Use existing Docker image

docker pull blukat29/libc
docker run -p 8080:80 -d blukat29/libc

Run as Docker container

git submodule update --init
cd libc-database
cd ..
docker build -t libc:latest .
docker run -p 31337:80 -it libc:latest

Run in debug mode

git submodule update --init
cd libc-database
cd ..
cd app
pip install Flask
python manage.py

Tips for deploy

I am not good at nginx configuration, so here's how I deployed this application. Before this application, I ran a hexo blog on the server using nginx, and vhost is used.

All I did to adapt this application is to forward /libc/ path to port 31337. Also, you need to add a rule for /d for rendering symbols as texts. Example

 14         location /libc{
 15                 proxy_pass http://localhost:31337;
 16         }
 7          location /d {
 8                  alias /home/www/libc_database/search-libc/libc-database/db;
 9                  location ~ \.symbols$ {
 10                         default_type text/plain;
 11                 }
 12         }

And you just have to follow the command under Run as Docker container title.

If you want to change /libc to some other paths, remember you also have to change line 35 in app/search/views.py