
Realtime maps with PubNub and MapBox.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Please note that this project is no longer actively maintained or accepting Pull Requests. The EON library remains available on npm, bower, or through hotlink.

EON Maps

Real-time location tracking powered by PubNub and MapBox or Google Maps.




<script type="text/javascript" src="https://pubnub.github.io/eon/v/eon/1.0.0/eon.js"></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="https://pubnub.github.io/eon/v/eon/1.0.0/eon.css"/>


bower install eon-map --save

Check out our bower example.


npm install eon-map --save

Check out our webpack example.


Call eon.map({}). Check out the table of options below for more information.

<div id='map'></div>
<script type="text/javascript">

var channel = 'pubnub-mapbox';

var pn = new PubNub({
  publishKey:   'YOUR_PUB_KEY', // replace with your own pub-key
  subscribeKey: 'YOUR_SUB_KEY'  // replace with your own sub-key

var map = eon.map({
  pubnub: pn,
  id: 'map',
  mbToken: 'pk.eyJ1IjoiaWFuamVubmluZ3MiLCJhIjoiZExwb0p5WSJ9.XLi48h-NOyJOCJuu1-h-Jg',
  mbId: 'ianjennings.l896mh2e',
  channels: [channel]



Parameter Value Default
id The ID of the element where the map will be rendered. undefined
channels An array of PubNub channels to subscribe to. Either channels or channelGroups must be supplied. false
channelGroups An array of PubNub channel groups to subscribe to. Either channels or channelGroups must be supplied. false
transform Method for changing the payload format of your stream. function(m){}
history Use PubNub history call to retrieve last message. This will display points at their last known location. Requires PubNub storage to be enabled. false
pubnub An instance of the PUBNUB javascript global. This is required when using your own keys. See the subscribeKey example. false
connect A function to call when PubNub makes a connection. See PubNub subscribe function(){}
marker A custom Mapbox marker object. Use this to change the marker icon, tooltip, etc. L.marker
rotate Add bearing to markers in options.angle. This won't have any effect unless you're using a rotated marker type. false
message A function to call everytime a PubNub message is recieved. See PubNub subscribe function(message, timetoken, channel){}
transform Method for changing the payload format of your stream. See example function(m){return m}
provider Google or Mapbox mapbox
mbToken Mapbox API Token (Mapbox Only). undefined
mbId Mapbox Map ID (MapBox Only). undefined
options An options object supplied to the MapBox Maps constructor (MapBox Only). {}
googleKey Google Maps API Key (Google Maps Only) undefined
googleMutant Configure Google Maps Styles and Options as documented in Google Mutant Plugin { type: 'roadmap'}

Lat/Long Values

eon.map expects an array of objects to be published on the same channel it's subscribed to. More on publishing in the next section.

For example, below you can find a list of all the Torchy's Tacos in Austin, TX.

var torchys = [
  { latlng: [30.370375, -97.756138] },
  { latlng: [30.323118, -97.739144] },
  { latlng: [30.302816, -97.699490] },
  { latlng: [30.293479, -97.742405] },
  { latlng: [30.250337, -97.754593] },
  { latlng: [30.236689, -97.762730] }

Publishing Messages

The function below is called connect and fires when the pubnub_mapbox library is ready.

This function uses the included PubNub library to pubnub.publish() packets to the pubnub.subscribe() call waiting inside the Mapbox framework.

Notice how the subscribeKey and channel/channels matches.

function connect() {

  var point = {
    latlng: [37.370375, -97.756138]

  var pn = new PubNub({
    publishKey:   'YOUR_PUB_KEY', // replace with your own pub-key
    subscribeKey: 'YOUR_SUB_KEY'  // replace with your own sub-key

    var new_point = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(point));

    new_point.latlng = [
      new_point.latlng[0] + (getNonZeroRandomNumber() * 0.1),
      new_point.latlng[1] + (getNonZeroRandomNumber() * 0.2)

      channel: channel,
      message: [new_point] // even a single point should be an array

  }, 500);


var map = eon.map({
  pubnub: pn,
  id: 'map',
  mbToken: 'pk.eyJ1IjoiaWFuamVubmluZ3MiLCJhIjoiZExwb0p5WSJ9.XLi48h-NOyJOCJuu1-h-Jg',
  mbId: 'ianjennings.l896mh2e',
  channels: [channel],
  connect: connect

You probably want to publish data from the back-end instead. Check out our docs for more info:


Following a Point

You can tell the map to follow a point to it's new location whenever data is received by supplying a message callback.

var pn = new PubNub({
  publishKey:   'YOUR_PUB_KEY', // replace with your own pub-key
  subscribeKey: 'YOUR_SUB_KEY'  // replace with your own sub-key

var map = eon.map({
  pubnub: pn,
  id: 'map',
  mbId: 'ianjennings.l896mh2e',
  message: function (data) {
    map.setView(data[3].latlng, 13);

Marker Customization

You can supply a custom Mapbox marker object with custom tooltips by extening the L.marker object provided by mapbox. Learn more about custom markers here.

<div id='map'></div>
  L.RotatedMarker = L.Marker.extend({
    options: { angle: 0 },
    _setPos: function(pos) {
      L.Marker.prototype._setPos.call(this, pos);
      if (L.DomUtil.TRANSFORM) {
        // use the CSS transform rule if available
        this._icon.style[L.DomUtil.TRANSFORM] += ' rotate(' + this.options.angle + 'deg)';
      } else if (L.Browser.ie) {
        // fallback for IE6, IE7, IE8
        var rad = this.options.angle * L.LatLng.DEG_TO_RAD,
        costheta = Math.cos(rad),
        sintheta = Math.sin(rad);
        this._icon.style.filter += ' progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(sizingMethod=\'auto expand\', M11=' +
          costheta + ', M12=' + (-sintheta) + ', M21=' + sintheta + ', M22=' + costheta + ')';

  var pn = new PubNub({
    publishKey:   'YOUR_PUB_KEY', // replace with your own pub-key
    subscribeKey: 'YOUR_SUB_KEY'  // replace with your own sub-key

  var map = eon.map({
    pubnub: pn,
    id: 'map',
    mbId: 'ianjennings.lec77m70',
    mbToken: 'pk.eyJ1IjoiaWFuamVubmluZ3MiLCJhIjoiZExwb0p5WSJ9.XLi48h-NOyJOCJuu1-h-Jg',
    channels: ['rutgers-bus-data'],
    rotate: true,
    history: true,
    marker: function (latlng, data) {

      var marker = new L.RotatedMarker(latlng, {
        icon: L.icon({
          iconUrl: 'http://i.imgur.com/2fmFQfN.png',
          iconSize: [9, 32]

      marker.bindPopup('Route ' + data.routeTag.toUpperCase());

      return marker;


Configure using your own PubNub API Keys

Using your own API Key with Eon Maps

You can set the pubnub init parameter when using Eon Maps. This allows you to configure PubNub client connections with extra security options such a auth_key and your cipher_key. You should also set secure: true and ssl: true as well.

<div id="map"></div>
  var pn  = PUBNUB({
    subscribeKey : 'YOUR_SUB_KEY',
    ssl : true
  var channel = 'my-map';
  var map = eon.map({
    pubnub: pn,  // PubNub goes here
    channels: channel,
    id: 'map',
    mbId 'mapbox.streets',
    mbToken: 'pk.ey31IjoiaWRtc3giLCJhIjoiZZ1zMGI2ZjBlNTMxZjk5YTEwNjM5WNJlOWI4MmJiZGIifQ.U1jMQo2QVeuUtt85oD7hkQ'

Kitchen Sink

Check out the bus.html and flight.html for full featured examples.

Customizing with Mapbox

The MapBox map object is returned by eon.mapbox and can be customized using the Mapbox API. Also see the Mapbox examples page.

Also note that you can customize your map using Mapbox map editor. You can change the map background style, add static markers, etc. Visit Mapbox for your own API key.

Distributed Systems

The EON library compiles all messages at designated intervals. This means you can publish from multiple sources into one map. For example, you can map the individual locations of 3 phones by supplying the same channel to your PubNub publish requests. The flight example works like this; not every flight is updated on every subscribe call.