
📖 A modern, powerful and out of the box documentation generator for Angular components lib and markdown docs.(现代化的、强大的、开箱即用的 Angular 组件文档生成工具)

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A modern, powerful and out of the box documentation generator for Angular components lib and markdown docs.

docgeni CircleCI Coverage Status npm (scoped) npm npm

English | 中文文档

✨ Features

  • 📦 Out of the box, let you quickly open the document writing and component development
  • 🏡 Independent angular component preview experience, including: component overview, examples, and API
  • 📋 Extend the markdown syntax and import examples directly into the document
  • 💻 Multi-language support
  • 🚀 Two modes(full and lite) and multiple theme(default and angular) support

📖 Documentation

Get started with Docgeni, learn the fundamentals and explore advanced topics on our documentation website.


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💻 Development

yarn   // install dependencies for all packages
yarn start              // build docs, watch docs change and start site project
yarn build              // build all packages
yarn build-deps         // build all deps packages
yarn build:docs         // build docs & site project

yarn test               // run test cases

💼 Packages

Package Version Links
@docgeni/cli latest README
@docgeni/core latest README
@docgeni/toolkit latest README
@docgeni/template latest README