
Supports include files and import module in shader files.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

This plugin is deprecated because not good enough.

a save logo GLSL include - VSCode Extension

GLSL include is a tool to compile glsl file after it was saved.


Supports compiling glsl file which include #include and #import to a standard glsl file.

You can config where to output the compiled files, and shows some status message for you.

Supports #include and import path completion, and go to definition.

This plugin uses glslify to implement #import and export, so we also supports all the features of it.

Include, Import and Export

Include a file:

#include ./dir/file-name.frag

Import modules from file:

#import module1, module2 from ./dir/file-name.frag

It's shorthand for:

#pragma glslify: module1 = require(./dir/file-name.frag)
#pragma glslify: module2 = require(./dir/file-name.frag)

Export modules from file:

#export module1, module2

It's shorthand for:

#pragma glslify: export(module1)
#pragma glslify: export(module2)


Name Description
GLSLInclude.extensions GLSL language extensions, files with extension in this list will be compiled. Default value is ["vs", "fs", "gs", "comp", "vert", "tesc", "tese", "frag", "geom", "glsl", "glslv", "glslf", "glslg"].
GLSLInclude.runningStatusMessage Specify the status bar message when compiling began.
GLSLInclude.finishStatusMessage Specify the status bar message after compiling finished.
GLSLInclude.statusMessageTimeout Specify the timeout millisecond after which the status bar message will hide. Default value is 3000, means 3 seconds.
GLSLInclude.matchGlob Specify a glob pattern to match file path, only matched files will be compiled.
GLSLInclude.notMatchGlob Specify a glob pattern to match file path, matched files will not be compiled.
GLSLInclude.destPath Specify where the compiled file should be saved, If srcDirname and destDirPathRelativeToSrc specified, this option will be ignored. Default value is ${fileDirname}/${fileBasenameNoExtension}-compiled${fileExtname}.
GLSLInclude.srcDirname Specify the source directory name (not a path), If file path includes it, the path will be formatted as a relative path, then destRelativePath joined with it as a dest path.
GLSLInclude.destDirPathRelativeToSrc Specify the dest directory relative to srcDirname, which will be joined with the relative path formatted from srcDirname, then generate a dest path.

Variable Substitution

Can be used in destPath, destDirRelativeToSrc.

For more details please refer to VSCode Tasks.

Name Description
${workspaceFolder} the path of the folder opened in VS Code.
${workspaceFolderBasename} the name of the folder opened in VS Code without any slashes (/).
${file} the path of current opened file.
${fileBasename} the basename part of current opened file.
${fileBasenameNoExtension} the basename part without extension of current opened file.
${fileDirname} the dirname part of current opened file.
${fileExtname} the extension part of current opened file.
${cwd} the task runner's current working directory on startup.
${env.Name} reference environment variables.

Sample Configuration

Save compiled glsl to same directory, with a suffix -compiled.

    "GLSLInclude.runningStatusMessage": "Compiling ${fileBasename}...",
    "GLSLInclude.finishStatusMessage": "${fileBasename} compiled",
    "GLSLInclude.destPath": "${fileDirname}/${fileBasenameNoExtension}-compiled${fileExtname}",

Save compiled glsl to parent directory.

    "GLSLInclude.runningStatusMessage": "Compiling ${fileBasename}...",
    "GLSLInclude.finishStatusMessage": "${fileBasename} compiled",
    "GLSLInclude.destPath": "${fileDirname}/../${fileBasename}",

Save compiled glsl from src to dest, and keep it's relative path from src.

    "GLSLInclude.runningStatusMessage": "Compiling ${fileBasename}...",
    "GLSLInclude.finishStatusMessage": "${fileBasename} compiled",
    "GLSLInclude.srcDirname": "src",
    "GLSLInclude.destDirPathRelativeToSrc": "dest",


The following commands are exposed in the command palette

  • GLSL Include: Enable - to enable the extension
  • GLSL Include: Disable - to disable the extension
