
A compile to js language inspired by Rust

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Puck is a compile to JS language. It has syntax and semantics that are inspired from Rust but adapted to work better in a web environment.

Key features

  • Simple project setup
  • Explicit mutability
  • Good JS interop
  • Trait based type system (See Rust)

Getting Started


Add export PATH=$PATH:dist/bin to your .bashrc or .zshrc, or prefix the following commands with dist/bin/.

Run puck build to build the project.
Run puck test to run the testsuite.
Run cases to run compilation tests.
Run cases update-baselines to update the baselines (accept the current behaviour) for the compilation tests.
Run self-test to run a self test of the compiler that validates that the compiler can reproduce itself.


There is a fully featured plugin avalible for Visual Studio Code, that features syntax highlighting, code completions, hover information, go to definition and more. Other editor support can be built from a Textmate grammar and the Puck Language Server which uses the Language Server Protocol.
See puck-lang/editors for more details.