This is a collection of electronic design automation surveys, courses, and open source tools.
- [Books and Surveys]
- [Courses and Tutorials]
- [Workshops on Open Source EDA]
- [Open Source Tools (code available)]
- [Open Access Tools (binary only)]
- ICCAD 2015 Session 3D From EDA to DA: Can We Evolve Beyond Our E-Roots?
- DAC-2015 DA Perspective Challenge
- CCC Visioning Activity 2014 Extreme Scale Design Automation
- 2019 Third Party CAD Tools for FPGA Design—A Survey of the Current Landscape
- 2018 Opportunities for Machine Learning in IC Physical Design
- 2003 Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Circuits
- 2018 Logic Synthesis for Established and Emerging Computing
- 2001 A Survey on Multi-net Global Routing for Integrated Circuits
- 2008 The coming of age of (academic) global routing
- Rob A. Rutenbar, VLSI CAD Part I: Logic and VLSI CAD Part II: Layout
- Sung Kyu Lim, ECE6133: Physical Design Automation of VLSI Systems
- David Z. Pan, EE 382V: VLSI Physical Design Automation
- Sanjit A. Seshia, EECS 219C: Formal Methods: Specification, Verification, and Synthesis
- Chung-Kuan Cheng, CSE245: Computer Aided Circuit Simulation and Verification
- Gogul Ilango's notes ASIC Design
- DAC Birds of a Feather: Open Source Academic EDA Software
- DAC 2019 BOF, June 5, 2019; Las Vegas, NV, USA.
- OSDA: Workshop on Open Source Design Automation
- OSDA 2019, co-located with DATE, March 29, 2019; Florence, Italy.
- WOSET: Workshop on Open-Source EDA Technology
- WOSET 2018, co-located with ICCAD, Nov 8, 2018; San Diego, CA, USA.
- ORConf: The open source digital design conferece
- qflow (Dr. R. Timothy Edwards), GNU General Public License
- A Digital Flow using Open Source EDA Tools.
- VSDFLOW (VLSI System Design), "available for download for FREE"
- An automated RTL-to-GDS flow for programmers, hobbyists, and small-scale entrepreneurs.
- OpenRoad (UCSD), various licenses (BSD 2-Clause, BSD 3-Clause, GPL 3.0, ISC, etc.)
- Aim to develop open-source tools that achieve autonomous, 24-hour layout implementation.
- Ophidian (UFSC)
- An open-source library for physical design research and teaching.
- Rsyn (FURG)
- An Extensible Physical Synthesis Framework.
- gEDA
- Working on a full GPL'd suite and toolkit of Electronic Design Automation tools.
- VTR (Toronto)
- An CAD flow tool for FPGA including ODIN-II, ABC, VPR place, and VPR route.
- RapidWright (Xilinx)
- Provide Vivado Interface for users to build customized FPGA implementations.
- Similar projects: Torc, RapidSmith, and RapidSmith2
- IceStorm (Clifford Wolf)
- Aims at reverse engineering and documenting the bitstream format of Lattice iCE40 FPGAs and providing simple tools for analyzing and creating bitstream files.
- A working fully open source flow with Yosys and Arachne-pnr.
- FPGA CAD Framework (Ghent Univ.)
- A Java framework focused on rapid prototyping of new CAD algorithms for FPGA compilation.
- Rebit
- A low level configuration analysis and for the debugging and validation of the bitstream files of architectures that exploit dynamic partial reconfiguration on Xilinx FPGAs.
- Sdaccel-chisel-integration
- A wrapper in Chisel for using RTL kernels into SDAccel 2017.1.
- hCODE (Kumamoto Univ.)
- A tool to simplify the creation, sharing, and software integration of FPGA hardware accelerators.
- Automata to Routing (U.Va.)
- An open-source toolchain to design and evaluate island style spatial automata processing architectures.
- DATuner (Cornell, PKU)
- A parallel bandit-based approach for autotuning FPGA compilation.
- LegUp (Toronto)
- A high-level synthesis tool to improve C to Verilog synthesis without building an infrastructure from scratch.
- GAUT (Université Bretagne Sud)
- A high-level synthesis tool from algorithm to hardware architecture.
- PandA (Politecnico di Milano)
- A usable framework that will enable the research of new ideas in the HW-SW Co-Design field.
- FCUDA (ADSC High Level Synthesis Team)
- A source-to-source transformation framework that takes CUDA kernels with FCUDA annotation pragmas as input and produces a synthesizable C code.
- HeteroCL (Cornell, UCLA)
- A Multi-Paradigm Programming Infrastructure for Software-Defined Reconfigurable Computing.
- Chisel (Berkeley)
- A hardware construction language that supports advanced hardware design using highly parameterized generators and layered domain-specific hardware languages.
- FIRRTL (Berkeley)
- An intermediate representation (IR) for digital circuits designed as a platform for writing circuit-level transformations.
- BAG: Berkeley Analog Generator (Berkeley)
- A Python-based circuit design platform that aims to automate analog circuit design, but at the same time give the user full visibility and control over every step in the design flow.
- ABC (Berkeley)
- A sequential logic synthesis and formal verification tool.
- A logic synthesis and manipulation infrastructure for FPGAs.
- Yosys (Clifford Wolf)
- A framework for Verilog RTL synthesis, used by qflow and OpenROAD
- DREAMPlace (UT Austin)
- A GPU-accelerated analytical placement tool.
- OpenROAD RePlAce (UCSD)
- A global placement tool with advancing solution quality and routability validation.
- RippleFPGA (CUHK)
- A simultaneous pack-and-place algorithm for FPGA.
- arachne-pnr
- A place and route tool for FPGAs.
- nextpnr
- A vendor neutral, timing driven, FOSS FPGA place and route tool.
- qflow Graywolf
- A placement tool in VLSI design and used together with qflow.
- qflow Qrouter
- A detailed router based on the standard Lee maze router algorithm.
- Dr. CU (CUHK)
- VLSI detailed routing tool.
- FGR (UMich)
- A global router based on Lagrange Multipliers and won the 1st place in ISPD 2007 contest.
- BoxRouter (UT Austin)
- A global router for ultimate routability and won the 2nd place in ISPD 2007 contest.
- NTHU-Route (NTHU)
- A fast and stable global router and won the 1st place in ISPD 2008 contest.
- FastRoute (Iowa State)
- A global routing tool for VLSI back-end design.
- FLUTE (Iowa State)
- A very fast and accurate technique for rectilinear Steiner minimal tree (RSMT) construction.
- A tool for generating VLSI routing topology.
- Verilator
- A fast free Verilog/SystemVerilog simulator.
- An open-source simulator for the VHDL language.
- FreeHDL
- A free, open source, GPL'ed VHDL simulator for Linux.
- TkGate
- A digital circuit editor and simulator with a Tcl/Tk-based interface.
- OpenTimer (UIUC)
- A High-Performance Timing Analysis Tool for VLSI Systems.
- OpenROAD OpenSTA
- A gate level static timing verifier.
- ngspice
- Open source spice simulator.
- SPICE (Berkeley)
- A general-purpose circuit simulation program for nonlinear dc, nonlinear transient, and linear ac analyses.
- mixedsim (Isotel)
- Mixed signal simulation with Verilog.
- Gnucap: GNU Circuit Analysis Package
- A modern "post-spice" analog and mixed signal circuit simulator.
- Qucs: Quite Universal Circuit Simulator
- Setup a circuit with a graphical user interface (GUI) and simulate the large-signal, small-signal and noise behaviour of the circuit.
- Xyce (Sandia NL)
- An open source, SPICE-compatible, high-performance analog circuit simulator, capable of solving extremely large circuit problems by supporting large-scale parallel computing platforms.
- FreeCAD
- An open-source parametric 3D modeler made primarily to design real-life objects of any size.
- Fast Field Solvers (FastFieldSolvers)
- The "SPICE" of the ElectroMagnetic world.
- E.M. Workbench, FasterCap, FastCap2, FastHenry2, FastModel
- Netgen
- A circuit netlist comparison (LVS) and netlist conversion tool.
- SymbiYosys (Clifford Wolf)
- Front-end for Yosys-based formal verification flows.
- Magic
- A VLSI layout editor, extraction, and DRC tool.
- KLayout
- A high performance layout viewer and editor.
- OpenMPL
- An open source layout decomposition tool.
- FreePDK (NC State)
- An open-source, Open-Access-based PDK for the 45nm technology node and the Predictive Technology Model.
- POSH OpenFPGA (UofU)
- A FPGA IP generator using XML-based architecture description including three parts: FPGA-Verilog, FPGA-SPICE, FPGA-Bitstream.
- OpenRAM (UCSC)
- An open-source memory compiler for VLSI circuits.
- LibreCores
- A digital hardware design community for creating and distributing IP cores in the open source spirit.
- OpenCores
- The reference community for Free and Open Source gateware IP cores.
- HDL (Verilog, VHDL, etc.)
- Icarus Verilog, a Verilog simulation and synthesis tool compiling source code written in Verilog (IEEE-1364) into some target format
- verilog-parser, a parser for the IEEE 1364-2001 verilog standard
- pyverilog, a hardware design processing toolkit for Verilog HDL including verilog parser, dataflow analyzer, control-flow analyzer and code generator
- hdlparse, a simple package implementing a rudimentary parser for VHDL and Verilog
- Si2 LEF/DEF Toolkit
- RazKarapetyan's LEF/DEF parser
- Tri Minh Cao's LEF parser
- Liberty
- Mirror of Synopsys's Liberty parser library
- Synopsys TAP-in SDC parser
- dalance's SDC parser
- DATC Robust Design Flow (IEEE CEDA)
- VLSI CAD Bookshelf 2
- FuseSoC
- A package manager and a set of build tools for HDL code.
- ePlace (UCSD)
- An electrostatics based placer using Nesterov's method.
- NTUplace (NTU)
- A ratio partitioning based placer for large-scale mixed-size designs.
- FastPlace (Iowa State)
- An Analytical Placer for Large-scale VLSI Circuits.
- mPL6 (UCLA)
- Constrained placement by multilevel optimization.
- Dragon (UCLA)
- A fast, effective standard-cell placement tool for both variable-die and fixed-die ASIC design.
- Capo (UMich)
- A fast and high-quality routability-driven placer for standard-cell ASICs.
- Liberty
- Liberty::Parser, a Perl wrapper for Synopsys's Open Liberty Project