
Easy drop-in to send metrics to Wavefront proxy from Java

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Wavefront Sender

This is a simple class to send metrics to a Wavefront Proxy. Also includes a simple MetricPoint class object to treat and manipulate metrics as objects instead of raw strings.


Create a sender object using any of the following forms

Wavefront wavefront = new Wavefront(); // default is localhost:2878

Wavefront wavefront = new Wavefront("wavefront-proxy", 2878); // sends to wavefront-proxy:2878

Wavefront wavefront = new Wavefront(OutputStream); // sends to specified stream

Wavefront wavefront = new Wavefront(File); // writes metrics to specfied file

Sending metrics

Send metrics using any of the send methods, they are overriden with defaults. Source will default the local system name or localhost. Timestamp will default to now.

wavefront.send("metric.name", 100); // name of metric.name with a value of 100

wavefront.send("metric.name", 100, "my-system"); // with a source of my-system

wavefront.send("metric.name", 100, "my-system", 1523920579); // with a timestamp in seconds since epoch specified

wavefront.send("metric.name", 100, "my-system", 0); // timestamp of default will be reset to now

String tags = "\"my.tag\"=\"myvalue\" \"anotherTag\"=\"some-value\"";
wavefront.send("metric.name", 100, "my-system", 0, tags); // send tags as one long string

Map<String, String> tags = new HashMap();
tags.put("my.tag", "myvalue");
wavefront.send("metric.name", 100, "my-system", 0, tags); // send tags as a map

When sending tags as a string, quotes around the key and value are optional but recommended.

Sending MetricPoint

MetricPoint object can be sent using the sendMetric method. This works well with List and lambdas

List<MetricPoint> metrics;