
Generate device certificate to Azure DPS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Azure IoT Hub Device Certificate Provisioning

This project provides a script to provision device certificates on Azure IoT Hub using a self-signed certificate. The provisioning is done through the Azure Device Provisioning Service (DPS).


The script automates the process of generating self-signed certificates for IoT devices, provisioning these devices to Azure IoT Hub via DPS, and then saving the generated certificates in a specified folder. The script is written in Node.js and leverages the Azure SDK to interact with Azure IoT services.

How to Use

1. Configure Environment Variables

  • Copy the provided .env.example file to .env.
  • Open the .env file and fill in the required configuration parameters, such as Azure IoT Hub and DPS details.

2. Run the Script

  • To provision a device, run the script using the following command:

    node provision.js <device>

    Replace <device> with the desired device ID.

  • The script will generate the necessary certificates and store them in the certs folder.

3. Testing the Certificate

You can use any MQTT client to test the generated certificates. Below is an example using mqttx.

Testing Connection

To test the device's connection to Azure IoT Hub using the generated certificate, use the following command:

mqttx conn -V 3.1.1 \
  -h <iot_server> \
  -p 8883 \
  -i <device_id> \
  -u "<iot_server>/<device_id>/?api-version=2021-04-12" \
  --cert <device_cert> \
  --key <device_key>
  • Replace <iot_server> with the IoT Hub hostname.
  • Replace <device_id> with the device's ID.
  • Replace <device_cert> and <device_key> with the paths to the generated certificate and private key, respectively.

Testing Subscription

To test the subscription to receive messages from Azure IoT Hub, run:

mqttx sub -V 3.1.1 \
  -h <iot_server> \
  -p 8883 \
  -i <device_id> \
  -u "<iot_server>/<device_id>/?api-version=2021-04-12" \
  --cert <device_cert> \
  --key <device_key> \
  --topic "devices/<device_id>/messages/devicebound/#"

This command subscribes the device to messages sent from Azure IoT Hub to the device.

Publishing a Message to the Device

You can use the Azure CLI to send a cloud-to-device message to your IoT device:

az iot device c2d-message send \
        --device-id <device_id> \
        --hub-name <iothub_name> \
        --data <message>
  • Replace <device_id> with the ID of the target device.
  • Replace <iothub_name> with the name of your IoT Hub.
  • Replace <message> with the message payload you want to send.

Folder Structure

  • certs/ - This folder will contain the generated certificates and keys for the devices.
  • .env.example - Example environment configuration file.


  • Node.js
  • Azure CLI (for testing cloud-to-device messaging)
  • MQTT client (for testing MQTT connections)


This project simplifies the process of provisioning and testing devices on Azure IoT Hub using self-signed certificates. By following the steps above, you can easily provision devices and verify their connectivity to Azure IoT services.