
⚔️ A solver for programs with XOR constraints.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


standard-readme compliant Build Status License

A tool for solving ASP programs with XOR (parity) constraints towards generating (near-)uniform answer sets. A fully re-implemented and extended version of the original xorro prototype is presented. This new version is built under clingo 5 infrastructure with Python support. Currently working with clingo 5.4


xorro is a tool that takes the advantage of the flexible ASP infrastructure by using the Python integration of clingo to solve XOR (parity) constraints from different approaches.
These approaches are:

  • count : Add count aggregates with a modulo 2 operation
  • {list,tree}: Translate binary xor operators to rules in the form of a list or a tree
  • countp : Propagator simply counting assigned literals
  • up : Propagator implementing unit propagation
  • gje : Propagator implementing Gauss-Jordan Elimination

On the other hand, like its predecessor xorro also has the feature to build random XOR constraints for sampling purposes.
The main idea of sampling is to use random XOR constraints on top of an ASP program to cut through the search space towards near-uniformity solutions.
This consist of calculating a few answer sets representative for all the search space. This is particularly useful if the computation of all answers is practically infeasible.

Table of Contents


This second generation of xorro works with clingo version 5.3 and is tested under Unix systems using Travis for Linux and Mac with Python 2.7 and 3.6.
The easiest way to obtain Python enabled clingo packages is using Anaconda. Packages are available in the Potassco channel. First install either Anaconda or Miniconda and then run: conda install -c potassco clingo.


Either run xorro directly from source or install it by the usual means provided by Python.
To install xorro run: python setup.py install.


To accommodate parity constraints in the input language, we use the Aggregates-like syntax, using a semicolon to separate elements that are themselves terms conditioned by conjunctions of literals.
For example, let us express the XOR constraints p(1) ⊕ ⊥, and p(2) ⊕ p(3) ⊕ ⊤ from the domain of p(1..3) as:

 &odd{ 1:p(1) }.
&even{ X:p(X), X>1 }.

The first constraint aims at filtering stable models that do not contain p(1), while the second requires that either none or both atoms p(2) and p(3) are true.
The program obtained after running the XOR constraints with the choice rule ‘{p(1..3)}.’, results in two stable models, viz. {p(1)}, and {p(1), p(2), p(3)}.

It is important to remark that the scope for the XOR constraints presented in this version of xorro corresponds to directive statements, meaning they can neither occur in the body nor in the head of a rule and thus act as meta statements instructing the ASP system to eliminate stable models violating the parity.


To use xorro directly from source run python -m xorro from the project's root directory and follow the standard-like clingo call: usage: xorro [number] [options] [files]

xorro --help
xorro examples/test.lp --approach=count

To enable the sampling features of xorro, run the full command:

xorro --help
xorro examples/test.lp --approach=count [--sampling --s=<n> --q<n>]

The sampling options of xorro are shown next:

command description
--sampling Enable sampling features.
--s=<n> Number of XOR constraints to generate. Default=0, calculated automatically by log(#atoms).
--q=<n> Calculate the density of each constraint. Values from 0.1 to 1. Default=0.5.


To solve parity constraints within an ASP program, lets consider an example program examples/test.lp with six parity constraints:

$ cat examples/test.lp 
{ p(1;2;3) }.
{ q(1,(2;3)); q(2,1); q(3,1) }.

&odd{ (X+10)-2 : p(X), q(X,Y) }.
&even{ Y : q(X,Y), Y<3 }.
&even{ 1,2 : not q(1,2) }.
&odd{ X: p(X) }.
&odd{ X,Y: q(X,Y) }.
&odd{ X : p(X), X!=2 }.
#show p/1.
#show q/2.

$ python -m xorro examples/test.lp 0
xorro version 1.0
Reading from examples/test.lp
Answer: 1
p(3) q(1,2) q(1,3) q(3,1)
Answer: 2
p(3) q(1,2) q(2,1) q(3,1)
Answer: 3
p(1) q(1,2) q(1,3) q(2,1)
Answer: 4
p(1) q(1,2) q(1,3) q(3,1)
Answer: 5
p(1) q(1,2) q(2,1) q(3,1)

Models       : 5
Calls        : 1
Time         : 0.006s (Solving: 0.00s 1st Model: 0.00s Unsat: 0.00s)
CPU Time     : 0.006s

To enable the sampling features, let use the same program without the parity constraints shown above. The sampling features allows xorro propose random XOR constraints and compute representative answer sets from the search space. An example is shown below:

$ python -m xorro examples/test.lp 2 --sampling --s=4 --q=0.5
xorro version 1.0
Reading from examples/test.lp
Random XOR Constraints: 4
Answer: 1
Answer: 2
p(2) q(1,3)
Answer: 3
p(1) p(2) p(3) q(2,1) q(3,1)
Answer: 4
p(1) p(2) p(3) q(1,3) q(2,1) q(3,1)
Answer: 5
p(1) q(1,2) q(2,1)
Answer: 6
p(1) q(1,2) q(1,3) q(2,1)
Answer: 7
p(3) q(1,2) q(3,1)
Answer: 8
p(3) q(1,2) q(1,3) q(3,1)

Sampled Answer Set(s): 4, 7
Answer: 4
p(1) p(2) p(3) q(1,3) q(2,1) q(3,1)
Answer: 7
p(3) q(1,2) q(3,1)

Models       : 8
Calls        : 1
Time         : 0.008s (Solving: 0.00s 1st Model: 0.00s Unsat: 0.00s)
CPU Time     : 0.008s

The random XOR constraints used in sampling, are stored in the file examples/xors.lp.

$ cat examples/xors.lp 
&odd{ p(2):p(2) ; p(3):p(3) ; q(2,1):q(2,1) }. 

&even{ q(1,2):q(1,2) ; q(2,1):q(2,1) ; q(3,1):q(3,1) }. 

&even{ p(1):p(1) ; p(3):p(3) ; q(1,2):q(1,2) }. 

&even{ p(3):p(3) ; q(1,2):q(1,2) ; q(2,1):q(2,1) }.

From the eight answer sets remaining after solving the program with the XOR constraints mentioned above, the sampled answer sets were the number 4th and the 7th.

The sampling feature of xorro asks for all the remaining models after applying XOR constraints. If the requested models by the user are less than the remaining models, xorro will pick randomly n answer sets. To show only the sampled answers use the clingo option --outf=3.


  • Flavio Everardo, Roland Kaminski - Get help/report bugs via the issue tracker
    The original prototype of xorro was implemented by Marius Lindauer.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details