
OpenVEX Specification

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OpenVEX Specification

OpenVEX is an implementation of the Vulnerability Exploitability Exchange (VEX for short) that is designed to be minimal, compliant, interoperable, and embeddable.

OpenVEX is...

A Specification

OpenVEX documents are minimal JSON-LD files that capture the minimal requirements for VEX as defined by the VEX working group organized by CISA. The OpenVEX Specification is owned and steered by the community.

A Go Library

The project has a go library (openvex/go-vex) that lets projects generate, transform and consume OpenVEX files. It enables the ingestion of VEX metadata expressed in other VEX implementations.

A Set of Tools

Work is underway to create the tools software authors and consumers need to handle VEX metadata. The current flagship project is vexctl, a CLI to create, merge and attest VEX documents.

What Does an OpenVEX Document Look Like?

An OpenVEX document is composed of a JSON-LD structure that contains the document metadata and one or more VEX statements:

  "@context": "https://openvex.dev/ns",
  "@id": "https://openvex.dev/docs/example/vex-9fb3463de1b57",
  "author": "Wolfi J Inkinson",
  "role": "Document Creator",
  "timestamp": "2023-01-08T18:02:03.647787998-06:00",
  "version": "1",
  "statements": [
      "vulnerability": "CVE-2014-123456",
      "products": [
      "status": "fixed"

Check out the OpenVEX specification and our examples repository for more information and use cases.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does this compare to CSAF?

OpenVEX is designed to be more Lightweight, easy to be recorded in Sigstore, and embedded in in-toto attestations. While CSAF has a rich mechanism to express product trees, OpenVEX favors package URLs (purl) as its software identifier of choice.

How does this compare to CycloneDX VEX?

OpenVEX aims to be SBOM format agnostic. While there are plans to have both CycloneDX and SPDX VEX implementations, we feel that VEX metadata should be kept separate from the SBOM.

On the implementation details, the CycloneDX VEX implementation defines a different set of status and justification labels than those defined by the VEX Working Group. To match CDX VEX documents to the unified labels documents have to be translated, which is not ideal.

Does it work with SBOMs?

Yes, OpenVEX is designed to be SBOM format agnostic. It can reference software described in both SPDX and CycloneDX Software Bills of Materials.

Why not use CSAF or CycloneDX?

When OpenVEX was released, both the CSAF and CycloneDX implementations of VEX are missing a few pieces of the minimum elements of VEX. Nevertheless, OpenVEX can be used along with CSAF and CycloneDX documents. The OpenVEX tooling can generate a complete VEX impact history from files expressed in the other implementations