Display the upcoming prices on the Octopus Energy "Agile" tariff.
- AndyEdwards22UK
- andypiper@mastodon
- antpk
- bje::1
- CrowlordCreative Cloisters
- danbraund
- DeviousPenguin
- DoctorUConwy, North Wales, UK
- gregmcdougallWest Midlands
- himynamesned
- JAC2703JamesCoyle.net
- JohnDonovan
- johny5uk
- jophenna
- learss
- legoGoat
- lwfitzgeraldUK
- mathewcsimsUK
- nickjupp
- OfficialBenWhite
- opentrailBrigg, United Kingdom
- osde8infoOSDE.INFO
- patersoncRenesas Electronics Europe
- PhilipSteeleOctopus Energy
- plasma-tech
- realflashAttono Limited
- rich17lucasCayman Computers
- richard-davey-arcadisgen@Arcadis
- rorydavidson@IHTSDO
- ruralantReading, UK
- sidewinder42
- sirnightowl
- slashdotdashBinary Consulting
- tmaskibailLondon
- villegarUniversity of Liverpool | @groundswelluk
- whitemx@LDCVia @JSainsburyPLC