General Instructions 1) Certain prerequisites need to be installed, use shell script to do this quickly -- Edit the line APPLICATION_DIR="/vagrant" to reflect the directory in which you copied the application -- After designating the appropriate directory, run 2) Configure Postgres -- sudo su postgres -- createuser <USERNAME> --pwprompt -- createdb <DB_NAME> -- psql -- ALTER USER <USERNAME> CREATEDB; 3) Configure Apache2 -- View and edit example templates located at: /external_configs/apache2/ -- Place templates in the /etc/apache2/sites-available directory -- Generate or acquire SSL certs (place in /etc/apache2/ssl) -- Enable SSL mod (sudo a2enmod ssl) -- a2ensite the templates 4) Configure RAPID configuration file(s) to match your environment -- Edit /RAPID/RAPID/settings/<settings_file>.py * = universal settings * = development * = staging * = final settings 5) Create JSON file "secrets.json" in the Django project directory (same directory as This will contain your secret/sensitive values, for example: { "FILENAME": "secrets.json", "SECRET_KEY": "<SECRET_KEY>", "SQL_NAME": "<DATABASE_NAME>", "SQL_HOST": "<DATABASE_IP>", "SQL_USER": "<DATABASE_USERNAME>", "SQL_PASS": "<DATABASE_PASSWORD>", "EMAIL_HOST": "<EMAIL_HOST>", "EMAIL_USER": "<EMAIL_USERNAME>", "EMAIL_PASS": "<EMAIL_PASSWORD>", "EMAIL_PORT": "<EMAIL_PORT>", "IID_USER": "<INTERNET_IDENTITY_USERNAME>", "IID_PASS": "<INTERNET_IDENTITY_PASSWORD>", "PASSIVE_TOTAL_API": "<PASSIVE_TOTAL_API_KEY>", "CENSYS_API_ID": "<CENSYS_API_ID>", "CENSYS_API_SECRET": "<CENSYS_API_SECRET>", "GOOGLE_SAFEBROWSING_API_KEY": "<GOOGLE_SAFEBROWSING_API_KEY>", "GOOGLE_SAFEBROWSING_API_CLIENT": "<GOOGLE_SAFEBROWSING_API_CLIENT>", "TOTAL_HASH_API_ID": "<TOTAL_HASH_API_ID>", "TOTAL_HASH_SECRET": "<TOTAL_HASH_SECRET>", "MALWR_LOGIN_ID": "<MALWR_LOGIN_USERNAME>", "MALWR_LOGIN_SECRET": "<MALWR_LOGIN_PASSWD>" } 6) Instantiate and sync your Django models -- For NEW installations: python3 syncdb -- For EXISTING installations: python3 migrate --fake-initial python3 migrate 7) Start celery worker daemons -- service celery_beat start -- service celery_daemon start -- service celery_pivoteer start -- Additional info located at: /docs/CELERY 8) If you figured out the correct apache configs, run `python3 collectstatic` Otherwise, to run the django server in local dev mode, run `python3 runserver` in order to run locally, update and RAPID/ -- change 'os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "RAPID.settings.production")' to 'os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "RAPID.settings.local")' Automated Testing The tests are split into two folders - 'integration_tests' and 'unit_tests'. Integration tests are time consuming because they make API calls. Running them frequently may not be a good idea since they will use up API credits. Unit tests, on the other hand, may be run frequently and are fast. They do not hit APIs. You can specify which tests to run by specifying the folder of the tests you wish to execute. Unit and integration tests are placed in separate folders, for this reason. Running the tests will create and destroy a temporary Postgres database during each run. You will need to ensure Postgres is configured correctly with the user account in secrets.json, but you won't need a database in place. 1) Run all tests: From the project root directory (for example, /vagrant on Vagrant) run: `python3 test` 2) To run only unit tests: `python3 test unit_tests` 3) To run only integration tests: `python3 test integration_tests`