
Primary LanguageTypeScript

RS Lang

RS Lang is an effective service for an exciting English practice with mini-games.

Link to the deploy



In the textbook there is a words collection that contains 3600 frequently used English words. The words in the textbook are sorted by difficulty levels. The first 400 most frequently used words are not included, because it is believed that this is the basic stock of knowledges, which has left from the previous attempts of studying.

In the textbook there are groups of words divided into pages. There is a translation, a sentence example and an ability to listen to an audio recording for each word.

You can also add a word to the Difficult words section to create a collection of difficult words.


The dictionary consists of 2 sections: difficult words and learned words. Make a collection of words that are difficult for you, practise, and once you have learned the word you can add it to the learned words.

Available for registered users


There are currently two mini-games in the app: sprint and audio challenge. In the sprint game you need to choose the right translation for the largest number of words in a specified period of time. At the end of the game the results will be shown. The audio challenge game allows you to train your listening skills. Listen to the words and choose the correct translation for them. At the end of the game the results will be shown.


The statistics page contains daily results of your games: sprint and audio challenge, as well as the total daily statistics.

Available for registered users

The application was developed in 3 weeks.

Link to the task

Main stack:

  • react
  • react-router
  • typescript


  • styled-components
  • material ui

Additional tools:

  • webpack
  • eslint
  • recharts

To start application you need to perform next steps:

1. git clone git@github.com:pug000/rslang.git
2. cd rslang
3. git checkout develop
4. npm i
5. npm run start

Code quality control:

To ensure quality control software tools (linter, prettier) were used and development was divided into different branches using the Git version control system. The working application is located in the develop branch, into which development participants made pull requests. The main rule for checking PR: checking by all project participants is necessary.
