
Google Nearby Connections wrapper in Expo React Native

Primary LanguageKotlin

Library Package is In Progress

Expo Nearby Connections

Expo Nearby Connections is an expo wrapper of (Google Nearby Connections)[https://developers.google.com/nearby/connections/overview] library. It allows you to connect devices to each other and send data between them.

How To Install


Add the package to your npm dependencies

For now you can install the package from github:

npm install "https://github.com/puguhsudarma/expo-nearby-connections"

# or

yarn add "https://github.com/puguhsudarma/expo-nearby-connections"

Installation in bare React Native projects

For bare React Native projects, you must ensure that you have installed and configured the expo package before continuing.

Configure for iOS


Configure for Android



  1. Add more documentation: usage, how to install, etc
  2. Add more examples
  3. Add iOS wrapper
  4. Add permissions handling
  5. Refactor android wrapper code to be more readable
  6. Refactor iOS wrapper code to be more readable


Contributions are very welcome!