
For my dotfiles

Primary LanguageYASnippet


This is a collection of my dotfiles. I swap systems often (usually between pop-OS and manjaro), so this is streamlined for those distros. I have quit ricing. I got too caught up in details that just get in the way of doing things. There are better hobbies to have. My dotfiles are now written with a minimalist approach in mind.

This dotfile handles my:

  • rudimentary/common software
  • bioinformatic software
  • emacs
  • some fonts
  • tweaks
  • zsh

Installation Notes


The following has not been fully automated:

In Terminal

  • Installation of oh-my-zsh

Notes on usage:

  • emacs: run '/scripts/setup-emacs-TagOS.sh'
  • bioinformatic software: run '/scripts/setup-bioinformatics-tools.sh'
  • zsh: recommended to run '/scripts/setup-zsh-TagOS.sh'. Some modifications to '/scripts/setup-etc-TagOS.sh' would do the same job.
  • To setup architecture (rudimentary/common software, some fonts, tweaks) for either debian or arch based, run the appropiate file in '/architecture-handlers'
  • Programming languages are set up through scripts under '/programming-languages/


I took inspiration from several sources;