
add gps data from gpx or googles location history json file to image exif data

Primary LanguagePython


py3exiv2 requirements:


in my case thats

sudo apt-get install libboost-python1.58.0 libboost-python-dev libexiv2-dev libexiv2-14

afterwards install the stuff in requirements.txt (maybe in a virtualenv)

pip install -r requirements.txt


$ python add_gpsinfo.py --help
Usage: add_gpsinfo.py [OPTIONS]

  --image PATH        image or folder with images
  --coords PATH       gpx or (google-history-)json file
  --max-diff INTEGER  maximum difference from gpx timestamp to
                      image time (in seconds)
  --allow-overwrite   allow overwrite
  --help              Show this message and exit.

for example

python add_gpsinfo.py --image path/to/image_folder --gpx path/to/gpx_file.gpx --max-diff 300