A fuzzy finder in Python, based on fzy
pip install fzypy
To build manually:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/puilp0502/fzypy.git
cd fzypy
python setup.py install
Fuzzy searching:
from fzy import search
entries = [
search("s/c.c", entries)
# [('src/choices.c', 2.82), ('src/match.c', 1.8399999999999999)]
Search results are ordered in descending order, by score.
When running multiple searches against same set of candidates, use Choice object:
from fzy import Choice
entries = [
choicer = Choice()
for entry in entries:
# [('src/choices.c', 2.82), ('src/match.c', 1.8399999999999999)]
# [('src/match.c', 2.84)]
Calculating score:
from fzy import match
match("s/c", "src/choices.c")
# 1.8400000000000007