
Front-end app that includes login/logout, messages, states info

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Installation requires node.js on your computer

npm install

node or nodemon server.js


There should now be a web server running at http://localhost:8888 Follow the instructions displayed on that webpage.

What URL should be used to access your application?


What libraries did you use to write your application?

Technologies: HTML | CSS | Bootstrap | Javascript | AngularJS

What influenced the design of your user interface?

What steps did you take to make your application user friendly?

  • Added angularjs library to make two way data binding. MVVM
  • Created single page application for user to navigate without refreshing page (NG-View)
  • Created custom directive and custom filter to standardize phone number input

What steps did you take to insure your application was secure?

Use angular ng-hide/show for navbar menu options until user is authenticated.

What could be done to the front end or back end to make it more secure?

  • Minification and obstrufucation to hide infomation.
  • Generate JWT to save token in localStorage instead of cookies