
Not compatible with OpenCV 3.1

jplu opened this issue · 4 comments

jplu commented


On Windows with Visual Studio 2012 and 2015, after changing the dependency from OpenCV 3.0 to OpenCV 3.1, the code crashs before to start with the following message:

The application was unable to start correctly (0x000007b).
Click on OK to close the application.

And the library opencv_hal doesn't exists anymore in OpenCV 3.1.

Any hint on how to update from OpenCV 3.0 to 3.1?

Thanks in advance.


Thank you for your report.
I will try updating to OpenCV 3.1 soon !


jplu commented


After deeper investigate this issue, this error is not coming from OpenCV 3.1 as I succeed to make it works with.

The issue is coming from a switch from 32 bits to 64 bits. Have you try to compile your library in 64 bits?

Here what I did to make you able to reproduce the issue:

  • Compile OpenCV 3.1 in 64 bits
  • Compile FFMPEG in 64 bits
  • Unzip the 64 bits library for pthread from the provided zip
  • Open the Visual Studio solution
  • Switch in the settings to 64 bits compilation
  • Change the dependencie's name to link
  • Compile and then execute

I did these steps with both Visual Studio 2012 and 2015 to get the above error.



Thank you for providing the details.
I have never built my library in 64-bit environment but I will try it !

By the way, I updated the version of OpenCV which is bundled in CV Drone from 3.0 to 3.1 with opencv_contrib module. Please test it.


jplu commented

It is working correctly, thanks! I close this issue and open a new one for a 64 bits version.