- download
- download
and add this to systempath
- run
youtube-dl <url://link.m3u8>
To download and merge ts files, enter the file name, master m3u8 link and domain name.
For example,
- file name => "dynamic_programming"
- master m3u8 link => "https://media.prog.io/file/DPSERIES/dynamic_programming.m3u8"
- domain name => "https://media.prog.io/file/DPSERIES/"
Add them as python lists as shown in the config file.
Then in your terminal run ~ python downloader.py
Terminal will pop up for resolution value of each video. You can edit the script as per your convenience.
For decryption see SHELL_COMMANDS.md file
- chrome extension for a simple bucket list to collect names and links
- auto domain name extraction
- Automate sh commands
- Migrate it to JS for an browser extension
Feel free to reach out. Suggestions and collaborations will be highly appreciated.