fab up
- start all backend instances in daemon mode
fab down
- stop all backend instances and make backup of db
fab migrate
- to run new migrations
docker-compose build
- if there were new django requirements
Static files (png, css, etc.) should go to:
And can be accessed like:
http://localhost -- deployed frontend http://localhost/admin -- backend admin
- Download the maps with the link in the admin page of the selected country
- Unzip the map and load it in MAPSHAPER
- Simplify the map as much as possible without loosing quality
- Export the map from mapshaper as a geojson
- Load the exported map file in the admin console and save the form
- After the map is loaded use the admin interface to select the admin levels and hit save ( in the map tool )
- Add a value in Map activated on ( be use the Today and Now buttons)
- Save the form.
On production, install a cron for the user (crontab -e
) to autobackup the DB
0 4 * * * cd /home/whomaps/who-maps/django && fab backup_prod
# Set the Domain variable
# Pull the docker image for certbot:
docker pull certbot/certbot
# Obtain wildcard certificate
docker run -it --rm -v /home/$(whoami)/who-maps/nginx/certs:/etc/letsencrypt:rw -v /home/$(whoami)/who-maps/nginx/certs-data:/data/letsencrypt:rw certbot/dns-digitalocean certonly --preferred-challenges dns-01 --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory -d "*.$DOMAIN" -d $DOMAIN
# Obtain normal certificate
docker run -it --rm -v /home/$(whoami)/who-maps/nginx/certs:/etc/letsencrypt:rw -v /home/$(whoami)/who-maps/nginx/certs-data:/data/letsencrypt:rw -v /home/$(whoami)/who-maps/nginx/certs-log://var/log/letsencrypt:rw -v /home/$(whoami)/who-maps/nginx/certs-data:/data/letsencrypt:rw certbot/certbot certonly --webroot --webroot-path=/data/letsencrypt -d $DOMAIN
# Copy certificates to right folder
sudo cp /home/$(whoami)/who-maps/nginx/certs/live/$DOMAIN/privkey.pem /home/$(whoami)/who-maps/nginx/certs/key.pem
sudo cp /home/$(whoami)/who-maps/nginx/certs/live/$DOMAIN/fullchain.pem /home/$(whoami)/who-maps/nginx/certs/chain.pem
sudo cp /home/$(whoami)/who-maps/nginx/certs/live/$DOMAIN/cert.pem /home/$(whoami)/who-maps/nginx/certs/cert.pem
# Set permission of certificates to default user
sudo chown $(whoami):$(whoami) /home/$(whoami)/who-maps/nginx/certs/key.pem
sudo chown $(whoami):$(whoami) /home/$(whoami)/who-maps/nginx/certs/chain.pem
sudo chown $(whoami):$(whoami) /home/$(whoami)/who-maps/nginx/certs/cert.pem
# Refresh normal certificate validity
docker run -it --rm -v /home/$(whoami)/who-maps/nginx/certs:/etc/letsencrypt:rw -v /home/$(whoami)/who-maps/nginx/certs-data:/data/letsencrypt:rw certbot/certbot renew --webroot --webroot-path=/data/letsencrypt -d $DOMAIN
# Refresh widlcard certificate validty
docker run -it --rm -v /home/$(whoami)/who-maps/nginx/certs:/etc/letsencrypt:rw -v /home/$(whoami)/who-maps/nginx/certs-data:/data/letsencrypt:rw certbot/dns-digitalocean renew --preferred-challenges dns-01 --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory -d "*.$DOMAIN" -d $DOMAIN
# List of subdomain
-d "gm.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "lr.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "np.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "ph.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "mm.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "ma.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "gh.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "tz.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "ug.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "pe.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "lk.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "ss.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "bf.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "bj.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "bw.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "ne.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "hn.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "sl.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "vn.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "ml.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "br.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "cm.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "cg.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "ke.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "gn.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "cr.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "ga.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "mw.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "tn.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "tg.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "in.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "my.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "af.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "mx.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "cf.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "ng.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "et.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "mz.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "rw.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "pk.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "cd.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "ni.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "mg.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "gw.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "sd.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "id.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "td.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "zw.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "bd.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "sz.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "na.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "zm.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "ht.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "ao.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "za.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "cn.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "az.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "am.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "jm.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "bo.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "tr.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "by.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "mv.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "ci.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "mr.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "us.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "bi.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "uy.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "tm.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "eg.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "bt.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "al.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "gt.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "dj.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "ar.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "ve.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "cv.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "uz.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "il.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "dz.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "ye.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "ua.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "ls.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "sn.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "er.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "st.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "sc.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "kg.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "kh.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "la.digitalhealthatlas.org" -d "ca.digitalhealthatlas.org"
You can rebuild search any time you want or if you realise there's some data missing from search
manage.py rebuild_search
When you delete a Donor from Django admin (as a superuser) and want to sync the donors in all projects:
manage.py remove_stale_donors
When you want to eg. remove a duplicate donor or a typo, you can migrate the project that use the typo or duplicate donor to the one that you want to keep for all projects:
manage.py switch_donor_form_to <DONOR_ID_YOU_WANT_TO_MIGRATE_FROM> <TO_DONOR_ID>
After migrating all projects, you can delete the typo / duplicate donor objects from the admin (don't forget to issue
the remove_stale_donors
after that.)
On Osx prerequisite is:
brew install gettext
after this command completes:
brew link --overwrite --force gettext
may be needed
To scrape the code and extract translations:
yarn translation:extract
To Update the translations files in the backend:
cd django
fab update_translations
To see the new string and modify translations:
(click on Save and Translate next block to save them)
To have translation appear in the frontend (after saving them at the previous step):
docker-compose restart django
Translations are picked up from <translate></translate>
blocks this block is declared as a global vue component so it can be used without importing it.
If a translation string needs parameters (ie: {{userProfile.name}} hello!) the syntax is <translate :parameters="{name: userProfile.name}"> {name} hello </translate>
Also, $gettext('english/base string')
method is available in every Vue component via a mixin in the i18n plugin.
blocka must be keyed with unique keys to avoid vue 'recycling' old translations
cannot be used in the template markup (ie to pass a value to a prop) a computed property must be created instead and associated to the prop.