
A TV script for eggdrop. Fetches Finnish TV programs to IRC channel.

Primary LanguageTcl


Fetches Finnish TV programs to IRC channel.

Feel free to use, but if you like it, considering joining Pulina-channel if you are a Finn. (actually I have no idea why would any non-Finn use this script).

By using this script, you no longer need to turn on the TV or actually live a real life to know what's on TV, you can just simply type !tv channel in IRC.


  1. Clone this repo to your ~/eggdrop/scripts folder and remove README.md
  2. Add script load scripts/telkku.tcl to your eggdrop.conf
  3. Telnet your bot and .rehash or .restart it or start if not running.
  4. Have fun knowing what's on TV!


  • Tcl >= 8.4
  • http >= 2.1
  • tdom


rolle @ QuakeNet rolle or rolle_ @ IRCnet (depending on which one is available)

Feel free to chat if you use and like the script!

/whois rolle or /whois rolle_ should look something like this:


12:53:06 -!- rolle [~rolle@dsl-jklbrasgw1-54fbb9-1.dhcp.inet.fi]
12:53:06 -!-  ircname  : http://roni.laukkarinen.info
12:53:06 -!-  channels : #dfig.takut @#kuurosokeat @#pulina 
12:53:06 -!-  server   : port80b.se.quakenet.org [Port80.se IRC Server]
12:53:06 -!-  account  : RolleQ
12:53:06 -!-  idle     : 0 days 1 hours 23 mins 2 secs [signon: Thu May 21 10:35:21 2015]
12:53:06 -!- End of WHOIS


12:51:11 -!- rolle [~rolle@dsl-jklbrasgw1-54fbb9-1.dhcp.inet.fi]
12:51:11 -!-  ircname  : http://roni.laukkarinen.info
12:51:11 -!-  channels : #twt 
12:51:11 -!-  server   : irc2.inet.fi [Sonera/iNET IRC server]
12:51:11 -!-  idle     : 0 days 0 hours 1 mins 9 secs [signon: Thu May 21 08:51:28 2015]
12:51:11 -!- End of WHOIS