Intelligent Driver Assistance System (IDAS)

Problem Definition

Road accidents are a significant concern due to factors such as human fatigue, vehicle errors, and road faults. Current safety measures often lack real-time intervention, leading to avoidable accidents and injuries.

Proposed Solution

The Intelligent Driver Assistance System (IDAS) is currently in active development to enhance road safety by addressing key factors contributing to accidents. It integrates cameras, sensors, and microprocessors directly connected to the vehicle's computer. IDAS utilizes advanced technologies, including:

  • Driver sleepiness detection using facial recognition and eye-tracking.
  • Real-time analysis of vehicle data for accident prediction and alerting relevant parties.
  • Speed alert system for fine speed regulation.
  • Rude driving detection using integrated cameras.
  • Real-time location tracking via integrated GPS.
  • Manual panic button for immediate assistance.

By combining these features, IDAS aims to provide timely alerts to drivers and relevant parties, ultimately reducing the frequency and severity of accidents caused by human fatigue, technical malfunctions, or road-related issues.


  1. Driver Sleepiness Detection:

    • Utilizes facial recognition and eye-tracking to detect signs of driver sleepiness.
  2. Real-time Accident Prediction:

    • Analyzes vehicle data in real-time to predict potential accidents and alerts relevant parties.
  3. Speed Alert System:

    • Regulates speed for selected speed levels, enhancing fine control over vehicle speed.
  4. Rude Driving Detection:

    • Integrated cameras identify and alert on rude driving behavior.
  5. Real-time Location Tracking:

    • Utilizes GPS for accurate real-time location tracking.
  6. Manual Panic Button:

    • Provides a manual panic button for immediate assistance.