
A repository where you can dumb all use full shortcuts and work arounds in VS Code to help newbies like myself.


A repository where you can dumb all use full shortcuts and work arounds in VS Code to help newbies like myself.


Any thing which might help newbies to improve there coding.

  • Special Key Combinations.
  • Settings modification's.
  • Extensions.
  • Helpfull Windows/Mac/Linux Shortcuts.
  • External tools.
  • etc..


 - Create a file using your github username with extension .md and add it into contributors folder.
      Example : phoenix.md
     - In file write:
        - Your name  
        - your github profile link
        - your linkedin profile link
        - and other platforms link if you want
        Folder Name: phoenix.md
        Yor Name (< >ADD two space after each line)  

Follow the below steps for contribution

  1. first fork this repo
  1. make a directory/folder on your local system and initial it,
mkdir <your directory name>
git init
  1. then clone this repository on your local system by running below command
git clone "your forked repo url"
  1. Work on the project
  1. after creating your changes and in order to add your changes run the following command
git add .
  1. Its time to commit the changes made
git commit -m "your valid commit message"
  1. then push the changes that you have made, run the below command,
git push -u origin main