This is a ready to go angular openSource repo with all the necessary configs done for you.
- Grunt for task management
- SASS enabled to css writing easy.
- ESLINT setup, auto-corrects your silly mistakes of comma, quotes, semi-colon,etc.
- Minification of css and js files.
- Readme-generator makes it easy to write nice modular readme.
- Templates caching setup, coverts your HTML templates to js and caches it, which helps in reducing HTML request made on server.
Make sure you have NodeJs installed in your system.
You can download installer directly from official NodeJs site. If you do not wish to use installer for downloading then click here to view other options
Still finding it difficult to install node, check this blog, to find step wise installation.
You can either download the project from GIT releases or just git clone it using below mentioned commands.
Clone this repo to use using SSH
git clone
Clone this repo to use using HTTPS
git clone
Now when you have this project in your local machine. Now lets setup it to make it run.
npm install
It installs all the mentioned dependencies and dev-dependencies mentioned in package.json and after completion run bower install
to install dependencies and dev-dependencies mentioned in bower.json
- grunt v1.0.1 - Grunt helps you manage your project tasks. Read more
- grunt-angular-templates v1.1.0 - A grunt plugin to help you to cache your HTML template and much more. Read More
- grunt-contrib-clean v1.1.0 - A grunt plugin to clean files and folders. Read More
- grunt-contrib-compass v1.1.1 - A grunt plugin for compiling Sass to CSS using Compass. Read More
- grunt-contrib-concat v1.0.1 - A grunt plugin to concat files. Read More
- grunt-contrib-copy v1.0.0 - A grunt plugin to copy files and folders. Read More
- grunt-contrib-cssmin v2.2.1 - A grunt plugin to minify css files. Read More
- grunt-contrib-uglify v3.3.0 - A grunt plugin to minify ja files. Read More
- grunt-contrib-watch v1.0.0 - A grunt plugin to run predefined tasks whenever watched file patterns are added, changed or deleted. Read More
- grunt-readme-generator v0.3.41 - A grunt plugin to generate a dynamic from partial markdown files in readme folder. Read More
- gruntify-eslint v4.0.0 - A grunt plugin to validate and auto-correct files using Eslint . Read More
- eslint-plugin-angular v3.1.1 - An Eslint plugin to add ESLint rules for your angular project . Read More
Angular JS v1.6.7
NOTE: To change version of any node dependencies or add new dependency you need to update package.json and similarly change bower.json for bower dependencies.
Just run grunt command to create a build for you. Once it runs you can see files genrated in the dist folder. This command also copies the generated files in the lib folder under demo folder, making easy for you to run demo.
To run the demo, just go to demo folder and open index.html
file in any browser.
You are free to setup any web server for your project.
To start coding just dive into src folder and start editing or adding files and your code. Whenever you make any code changes you can see files getting generated into dist folder. In case you do not find the desired code into js and css files under *dist folder, you need to make necessary changes in the grunt file.
You can see in the project root folder which is actually generated using files present in the readme folder. You can edit the md files in readme folder but if you add or delete a md file from readme folder, make sure to make changes in the below section.
order: {
// Title of the piece and the File name goes here
// "Filename" : "Title"
"": "Features",
"": "Prerequisites",
"": "Installation",
"": "Setup",
"": "Run Application",
"": "Code",
"": "License",
You can find this code snippet in the readme_generator
plugin mentioned in Gruntfile.js
- Grunt for task management
- SASS enabled to css writing easy.
- ESLINT setup, auto-corrects your silly mistakes of comma, quotes, semi-colon,etc.
- Minification of css and js files.
- Readme-generator makes it easy to write nice modular readme.
- Templates caching setup, coverts your HTML templates to js and caches it, which helps in reducing HTML request made on server.
Copyright © 2017 sukheja-varun
This software is licensed under MIT License.