Weekend Lab on SQL and Ruby
- Rosendale
- Eddyville
- Wappingers Falls
- Nickname
- Mailing address
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Phone Number
- Name of supervisor
- Crops
Your application will track the following info about each crop:
- color
- type (phava beans?)
- quantity of plants
- anticipated harvest date
This data will be persisted to a SQLite3 database.
Your rustic client should be able to:
- See a page that lists all current farms.
- Create a new farm.
- See a page that lists all current fruit crops for each farm.
- Create a new fruit crop.
- Delete an existing fruit crop - in case of locust plagues or shifting market trends.
- Your application should use ERB to render templates into dynamically created HTML.
- Will make 2 tables, one for locations and 1 for Crops.
- Will add a column "location" into Crop Table, that will be linked to the ID of each location entry on Location table.
- Locations table: Id, Name, Nickname, Adress, Lat, Long, Phone number, Supervisor name.
- Crops table: Id, Name, Color, Type, Quantity, Harvest Date (Early), Location (Connected to Id on locations)
- Create tables on a schema file .sql
- Make a database .db file called farms
- Create server.rb file to control my app, and create config.ru file to run my local server on sinatra.
- Connect config.ru to server
- Make a class/module on server.rb
- Connect server.rb to Sinatra Base Class
- Connet Database on server.rb
- Make a .sql file called seeds, so I can have some demo entries for testing the apps.
- get (/) MAIN
- get (/locationID) ...
- post (/location)
- post (/crop)
- Using string interpolation inside a redirect URL. I couldn't get it to work. Then I found out a very nice way on Sinatra docs, and used redirect back in my program.