Googlesheet REST API

This repository creates Docker image which can be deployed on Docker, Kubernetes (GKE) and Google Cloud Run.

  • Go
  • Enable APIs Sheet API and Drive API
  • Create Service Account in GCP and download it as client-secret.json
  • Go to your spreadsheet and share it with a client_email from the step above.


  • Create a folder credentials and copy client-secret.json
  • Run following command to run docker container
docker run -v $PWD/credentials:/app/credentials -p 8080:8080 vikramshinde/config-service-googlesheet:latest


  • Create Kubernetes cluster in GKE
  • Go to Cloud shell and connect to cluster
  • Create Kubernetes Secret
kubectl create secret generic googlesheet-key --from-file=key.json=PATH-TO-KEY-FILE.json
  • Deploy the Deployment and Service in Kubernetes
kubectl create -f kubernetes/.

Cloud Run

  • Create Cloudbuild trigger
  • Select source as GITHUB
  • Select environment variables _SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL client-email from client-secret.json _REGION as 'us-central1' _SERVICE_NAME as 'config-service'

The cloudbuild.yaml file will trigger the Cloud Build, push the image in Google Container Registry and deploy the container in Cloud Run


Automatically deploy CI/CD pipeline into GCP environment.

Follow the steps mentioned in the terraform/

For details terraforming steps please refer the blog