
technical assessment

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Global dependencies:

Vue CLI - 3.12.1

NodeJS - v12.19.0

Npm - 6.14.18

Set up a project

Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build

Run your unit tests

yarn test:unit

Lints and fixes files

yarn lint

I implemented 3 pages:

  1. Main page

  2. Page with the show details

  3. Error page

Main page contains filters by genres, ratings, full list of shows previews and a search form. Search is implemented on client side for now, but I would consider to use public API for the text search.

Details page can be accessed by the url /shows/:id. It contains detailed info retrieved from the response.

Error page is shown for the missing urls.

I splitted the components into two functional groups: atoms and components. Atoms present general components like dropdown, search. Components present container component approach.

Almost each component is covered with unit tests which either check their logic or do a match with the snapshots.

I added internalisation vue-i18n and applied it on the error page

Also I implemented vuex-persist to keep at least filters in local storage when some filters are active and we navigate to the details page and back. In this case all chosen filters will be active and part of state linked to the filterts will not be reset

Todo (things that I would consider to do next):

There are two types of synchronization and they can complement each other:

  • Put actions in another place to make them more reusable
  • Improve stylings
