
Easily generate Ruby GraphQL Clients to perform Queries and Mutations.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


GraphQL Util

The gem wraps the Ruby graphql-client gem, to dinamically define GraphQL Clients.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'graphql_util'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install graphql_util

Build and Push

gem build graphql_util.gemspec 
gem push --key github --host https://rubygems.pkg.github.com/pulsarplatform graphql_util-X.Y.Z.gem 


Define a GraphQL client class, like so:

  class Client
      self, # Required
      endpoint: 'https://api.github.com/graphql', # Required
      path: __dir__, # Required, (Recommended: __dir__)
      headers: {} # Optional

The act_as_graphql_client method accepts the following parameters:

  1. self, which allows GraphqlUtil to inject the required code inside the class;
  2. endpoint, which has to be the URL of the GraphQL endpoint;
  3. path, which has to be the location where to store operations files and the Schema dump. (__dir__ is the suggested one, but any valid path will do);
  4. headers, a Hash of headers to be attached to any performed HTTP request.


The very first time the Client class loads, an Introspection Query will be performed agains the GraphQL endpoint to dump the relative Schema. You'll find your schema.json dump file under the above mentioned path.

(Remember that the Graphql Schema may change over time, therefore whenever you need to update the dump, simply delete the file. The new version will get created later.)

Queries and Mutations

The Graphql operations you want your client to perform must be defined inside .graphql files under any dir subdirectory.

Example and Best practise

Let's take the Github Graphql API as an example.

  1. First we create a directory (a Ruby module) named github to contain all the necessary code.
  2. We then create a file called client.rb , just like this:
  module Github
    class Client
        endpoint: 'https://api.github.com/graphql',
        path: __dir__,
        headers: { # You can place any HTTP Header here
          'Authorization': GITHUB_TOKEN
  1. Now we need to define our Queries / Mutations, to do so, place each operation definition under one (or many) subdirectory(ies), like this:


  query userInfo($username: String!) {
    user(login: $username) {
      followers(first: 1) {



  mutation addComment($input: AddCommentInput!) {
  1. Now we have a file structure that looks like this:
  ├── queries
  │   └── user_info.graphql
  ├── mutations
  │   └── add_comment.graphql
  ├── client.rb
  └── schema.json
  1. Each defined operation generates a class method inside our client to perform the relative request. In our example .user_info & .add_comment.
  2. Each defined method will accept arguments to be passed as variables.
Github::Client.user_info(username: 'LapoElisacci')


Github::Client.add_comment(input: { body: 'This gem is awesome!', subjectId: '12345678' })


The client Class as well as the sudirectories names are up to you, but only one level nesting is allowed. Something like anywhere/anything/whatever/whatever.graphql won't produce the relative method, but anywhere/anything/whatever.graphql will, as long as anywhere/whatever.rb is the class that "act_as_graphql_client".

  ├── anything
  │   ├── wont_work
  │   │   └── wont_work.graphql
  │   └── anything_that_works.graphql
  ├── anything_2
  │   └── anything_that_works_too.graphql
  ├── whatever.rb
  └── schema.json

You can find more details about the graphql-client here.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bundle exec rspec spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/LapoElisacci/graphql_util.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.