- 1
- 1
1Password errors in Pulumi UI
#428 opened by PhilBroderickCrezco - 0
Add a description field to Environments
#424 opened by jkodroff - 0
`stacks` provider: support stack references when the stack uses a secret backend other than Pulumi Cloud
#420 opened by MitchellGerdisch - 0
- 2
[1password provider] improve performance
#425 opened by dschaller - 3
Pulumi ESC provider for Datadog
#426 opened by yoejigu - 0
Create a mechanism for temporary access requests
#429 opened by komalali - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
JFrog Artifactory OIDC login provider
#423 opened by komalali - 1
Add OIDC support to Authenticate Workloads for ESC
#402 opened by dirien - 0
[Epic] ESC: Schema Validation
#351 opened by meagancojocar - 1
ESC SDK support for .NET
#338 opened by arunkumar611 - 0
Improve ESC RBAC permissions documentation
#378 opened by joeduffy - 2
- 1
Add command to print out raw definition
#415 opened by seanyeh - 0
- 0
- 4
GitHub releases for ESC are empty and don't show a summary of thre changes introduced
#409 opened by aureq - 1
Workflow failure: Publish Snapshot
#412 opened by pulumi-bot - 1
- 0
Improve error message when trying to import ESC environment from different org into pulumi stack
#405 opened by seanyeh - 0
Panic when object key is not string
#407 opened by seanyeh - 0
Restore deleted environment
#357 opened by aureq - 0
- 6
`esc login` failing if you aren't already logged in with the Pulumi CLI
#400 opened by pierskarsenbarg - 2
[docs] Inconsistent doc with Pulumi Cloud UI
#362 opened by aureq - 4
[docs] Document how an `import` may use a tag
#361 opened by aureq - 0
- 1
`esc env version history` seems to repeat results
#395 opened by cnunciato - 2
- 1
- 0
Implement `aud` Audience value customization
#390 opened by cleverguy25 - 0
Add last opened date as a column in Environments page and on the environment details
#391 opened by cleverguy25 - 1
- 0
Surface key data in diagnostics that might help troubleshoot a login provider
#388 opened by cleverguy25 - 7
- 0
Add support for third parties to author providers
#383 opened by zbuchheit - 0
- 3
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 0
Allow environments to be protected against deletion
#358 opened by aureq - 0
- 1
- 1
Provider for Pulumi short-lived access tokens
#344 opened by automagic - 0
Workflow failure: Publish Snapshot
#332 opened by pulumi-bot