
Copying a cyphertext value across environments causes an internal error during esc run

Closed this issue · 2 comments

What happened?

Copying an encrypted key to a different environment causes an internal error when trying to use it.


pulumi env run --env pulumi/providers.all ls
Error: [0]
Diags: decrypting: internal error

An error occurred: [0]
Diags: decrypting: internal error


  1. Create an environment with a fn::secret value
  2. Save it, copy the environment with the cyphertext
  3. Paste it in a new environment.
  4. Try to use that new environment, observe the error.

Note that this mistake is especially easy to make since we don't seem to support renaming environments.

Output of pulumi about

Version 3.106.0
Go Version go1.22.0
Go Compiler gc

OS darwin
Version 14.1.1
Arch arm64

Name pulumi.com
URL https://app.pulumi.com/venelin-pulumi-corp
User venelin-pulumi-corp
Organizations venelin-pulumi-corp, demo, pulumi
Token type personal

Additional context

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I'm now getting the same thing.

For context, this happens because each environment uses a unique encryption key, so the copied ciphertext cannot be decrypted by the subsequent environment. At the very least, we should improve the error message to make it clear what the problem is.