
GCP OIDC - support strings in project ID

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Right now we expect project ID to be number. A customer has asked to support this.


I don't think that this is possible, unfortunately.

All of the documentation, examples, etc. that I can find--including Google's official authentication action for GitHub Actions--explicitly expects the project number.

From what I can tell, the most straightforward way to get the number for a project is to use the gcloud CLI to print the number to the terminal:

$ gcloud projects describe [project ID] --format="get(projectNumber)"

@pgavlin Having bumped into it today and following a discussion on Slack with @automagic here's some context :

The documentations related to the GCP OIDC configuration https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/gcp/installation-configuration/ and https://www.pulumi.com/docs/pulumi-cloud/oidc/gcp/ make it unclear what should be put in the project parameter of the gcp-login function.

There's a sentence "Enter the numerical ID of your Google Cloud project in the “Project ID” field." in the section https://www.pulumi.com/docs/pulumi-cloud/oidc/gcp/#pulumi-deployments-1 but that's in a dedicated section you can skip (I did), everywhere else it's labelled project-id, which is misleading.

You should at least change in the documentation the label as project-number to match Google's own nomenclature, and maybe add a note about how to retrieve it.