
This action can be used to check the licenses of projects using Github actions. Currently, it only checks golang dependencies.

It uses tools modified to accurately detect and block BUSL variants in use.

Basic usage

See action.yml

    - uses: pulumi/license-check-action@main
        module-path: provider
        # If there are any modules where the license can't be detected and is unknown,
        # you will need to check them manually and add them to the list
        ignore-modules: >-,

Before using the action, you should checkout the repository you want to test and run any commands (like make ensure) to fetch all the go dependencies

The module-path argument specifies the file path where the checked out go module you want to check is located (the directory containing go.mod).

ignore-modules is an optional argument to manually allowlist specific modules. Usually this is necessary because the licenseclassifier library is unable to detect the license they are using. It is a comma-separated string, each entry contains the start of a path under which all packages that will be ignored. See "Ignoring packages" for more details.