Volume/Market Cap Ranking

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ChatGPT Documentation Process

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This application fetches and displays the top X cryptocurrencies based on volume/market cap ratio. You can specify the number of cryptocurrencies to retrieve by adding a coins parameter to the URL. For example, to get the top 100 cryptocurrencies, you can use http://localhost:3000?coins=100.

The table includes the following columns:

  • MC Rank: Market Cap Rank
  • Ticker: Ticker symbol of the cryptocurrency
  • Market Cap: Market capitalization of the cryptocurrency
  • Volume: 24-hour trading volume of the cryptocurrency
  • Volume/Market Cap: Ratio of 24-hour trading volume to market capitalization

The column headers are clickable, allowing you to sort the data in ascending or descending order based on the selected column.

MIT License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Done with <3 and ChatGPT in 1h