Multi Vesting Contract


The Alliance Smart Contract is an Ethereum Smart Contract which will be holding PMA tokens. The tokens will be locked for multiple wallet addresses for a period of 25 months, and a percentage of the tokens allocated to each wallet address will be released on a monthly basis.

The monthly percentages that is unlocked is 4% of the total amount of tokens allocated to each wallet address.


  • Unlock interval 30 days
  • Unlock percentage of 4%

Contract Deployment

PMA token address that should be specified at the deployment time

Smart Contract Actors


  • The owner of the smart contract is the wallet address that deploys the smart contract.
  • The owner is able to allocate tokens to the beneficiaries. The allocation implies that the token balance of the smart contract suffices for that allocation.
    • For example, the balance of the smart contract is 100,000 PMA; the maximum amount that can be allocated is 100,000 PMA tokens.
  • The token allocation locks the tokens and makes them redeemable only from the beneficiary according to the unlock percentage and interval, i.e., 4% per month for 25 months.
  • Any un-allocated tokens can be withdrawn by the smart contract owner.
  • The owner can add multiple allocations to a beneficiary. Each time a new allocation is added, the 25 months duration for the new allocation will be applied.
    • For example, an allocation to Beneficiary A of 100,000 PMA takes place on the 1st of Jun 2020. That allocation has its own unlock timeline of 4% per month over a duration of 25 months. If another allocation for the same beneficiary A of 200,000 PMA takes place on the 1st of Sept 2020, that allocation has its own unlock timeline of 4% per month over a duration of 25 months.


  • Beneficiaries on the smart contract are wallet addresses that have tokens locked on the smart contract that can be withdrawn by them.
  • Beneficiaries will only be able to withdraw the unlocked tokens allocated their address from the smart contract.
  • After each unlocks period, the 4% will be unlocked for each allocation, and the beneficiary will be able to withdraw all the tokens that are unlocked until that point in time.
    • Following the above example, assume that the Beneficiary A has executed the withdrawals of July, Aug, and Sept. The beneficiary will be able to withdraw 12,000 PMA tokens for Oct. (4% * 100,000) + (4% * 200,000) = 12,000 PMA token

How to use

  • The smart contract should be topped up with tokens, which is a simple token transfer to the smart contract by any wallet address.

  • The owner of the smart contract will then be able to allocate tokens to any of the beneficiaries, with the restriction that the allocation should be limited to the amount of tokens held by the smart contract.

    • To start vesting owner can call addVestingFromNow(address user, uint256 amount) method.
    • It's also possible to start westing from some date in the future by calling address user, uint256 amount, uint256 startedAt
    • In case owner add vesting several times for the same beneficiary the smart contract will keep track on this separate allocations using vestingId (per beneficiary)
  • When an allocation takes place, the amount of tokens specified on the allocation will be locked on the smart contract and can be redeemed by the beneficiary only. The tokens will be unlocked at a rate of 4% per month for a period of 25 months.

    • User e.g beneficiary can check how many tokens is available for him now by calling getAvailableAmountAggregated()
    • This method will give result amount aggregated from all registered vestingIds that beneficiary have
  • The contract owner can add multiple allocations for a beneficiary and each allocation will follow the unlock scheme of 4% per month for a period of 25 months.

    • In that case, vestingId will be incremented separately for each beneficiary.
  • After each unlocks interval, 4% of the total amount of tokens will be available for each allocation, and the beneficiary will be able to withdraw.

    • Beneficiary can check how much funds are available for withdrawing by calling "getAvailableAmountAggregated(address user)"
    • To get available on specific vestingId beneficiary can call getAvailableAmount(address user, uint256 vestingId).
    • To withdraw released funds beneficiary needs to call withdrawAllAvailable()
    • To withdraw released funds on specific vestingId withdraw(uint256 vestingId) method with target method with target vestingId as a parameter
    • To know how many different wares ever open to beneficiary anyone can call getNextVestingId(address user).
  • Any un-allocated tokens can be withdrawn by the smart contract owner.

    • getUnallocatedFundsAmount()
    • withdrawUnallocatedFunds()


  • You can find audit reports in /audit folder


Install global:


For me ganache-cli works only with Node.js v10


npm install
npm run dist

Run & debug:

ganache-cli --fork -p 9545 --gasLimit 0xfffffffffff -m "sport pattern badge pretty abandon venture stone cupboard plunge firm bulk essence"
remixd -s . --remix-ide ""

Then open and connect remixd plugin.

  • Compile MultiVesting.full.sol contract.

  • On DEPLOY & RUN TRANSACTIONS tab in remix set ENVIRONMENT to Web3 Provider. Use Ganache endpoint to connect(http://localhost:9545)

  • Chose MultiVesting contract for deployment, specify PMA contract address in the constructor params: 0x846c66cf71c43f80403b51fe3906b3599d63336f

  • You can deploy IERC20 contract using At address feature. Specify 0x846c66cf71c43f80403b51fe3906b3599d63336f

  • Use accounts generated by ganache to top-up MultiVesting contract;

Testing: - Tests is located in test folder - Use npm test to launch it