WeatherPlugin is a sponge plugin which allows users to set their personal weather and plot weather independent of the server weather.
A player's personal weather is saved even after they quit the server, but not after a server restart.
Note: This plugin was designed with the understanding that the server using it will always have clear weather. if your server weather is not always clear, this plugin may not function as intended.
Some of the features can be seen here
WeatherPlugin requires:
Packetgate plugin needs to be added to the server. More information, including how to install packetgate can be found here
PlotSquared plugin needs to be added to the server for plot functionality to work correctly. Note: The plotsquared plugin has been modified for specific usage of this plugin through the addition of an Integer WeatherFlag. This can be found in the /libs file.
/pweather set [WeatherType]
Requires: weatherplugin.command.set permission
Description: Sets a players personal weather.
/pweather plot [WeatherType]
Requires: weatherplugin.command.plot permission + to be added to the plot
Description: Toggles plot weather overriding your personal weather.
/pweather toggle
Requires: weatherplugin.command.toggle permission
Description: Displays information regarding the current player, the plot they're currently in, and other information useful for debugging any issues involved with this plugin.
/pweather debug
Requires: weatherplugin.command.debug permission
Description: Sets a plot's weather.
/pweather globaltoggle
Requires: weatherplugin.command.globalweather permission
Description: An administrative command which toggles WeatherPlugin for all users. This will send a clear packet initally to each player and will prevent any further packets from being sent while toggled. This will not remove any players personal weather settings, and once untoggled, their weather will be set to that once again.
Each weather type supports a range of aliases. These are as follows:
- rain
- rainy
- raining
Please note that snow and rain are interchangeable and are biome dependent. For more information on this, check out this
- snow
- snowing
- clear
- reset
- sunny
- undo
LIGHTNING: (Only the lightning bolts)
- lightning
- thunder
LIGHTNINGSTORM: (Lightning bolts and rain - this is the normal lightning that is experienced in Minecraft)
- lightningstorm
- thunderstorm
- storm