Senior Android Developer @ Deloitte USI | Google Certified Android Dev | Tech Blogger @ Medium & LinkedIn Learning | Youtuber at CodingWithPuneet
Deloitte USI
Pinned Repositories
Demo App to handle Android App Links which came into picture in Android 6 But starting from Android 12 Deeplinks on Tapping of deep link, it's navigating to Browser which has been take care here. This app has both Java and Kotlin lang. code and basic mandatory changes you've to make to make your deeplinks / applinks work
A repository containing interview questions on DS, Java & Android based on my experiences.
All Android Interview Questions at One Place
This project contains practical example of Activity life cycle, How to launch activity, activity navigation, Fragments, Create Fragments via XML and Programmatically, navigation b/w fragments using fragment manager/ and transaction etc
This app uses Flickr API to search photos for a search term, It will have search box, and once the tag is given, It will handle paginated data as well. It uses MVVM, Dagger, RxJava, DataBinding
This will consume Popular GitHub Api and will show Repos Listing in Android app. Repo detail will get open with Shared Element Transition. It uses MVVM, Dagger, RxJava, DataBinding
This project will have insights on how to request location permission (and Background permission) in many different ways, how to use fused location provider to get user current location/ last known location. This also includes how to implement Geofencing in android.
This App will use Twilio for Sms Marketing Online Service with modern architecture of Android called MVVM and Most popular Library RxJava, Data Binding, Dagger, and Most recommended Database Room for storing Message History. This App will use static Json of Contacts kept in raw folder itself
puneet-softdev's Repositories
This App will use Twilio for Sms Marketing Online Service with modern architecture of Android called MVVM and Most popular Library RxJava, Data Binding, Dagger, and Most recommended Database Room for storing Message History. This App will use static Json of Contacts kept in raw folder itself
This app uses Flickr API to search photos for a search term, It will have search box, and once the tag is given, It will handle paginated data as well. It uses MVVM, Dagger, RxJava, DataBinding
This will consume Popular GitHub Api and will show Repos Listing in Android app. Repo detail will get open with Shared Element Transition. It uses MVVM, Dagger, RxJava, DataBinding
Demo App to handle Android App Links which came into picture in Android 6 But starting from Android 12 Deeplinks on Tapping of deep link, it's navigating to Browser which has been take care here. This app has both Java and Kotlin lang. code and basic mandatory changes you've to make to make your deeplinks / applinks work
A repository containing interview questions on DS, Java & Android based on my experiences.
All Android Interview Questions at One Place
This project contains practical example of Activity life cycle, How to launch activity, activity navigation, Fragments, Create Fragments via XML and Programmatically, navigation b/w fragments using fragment manager/ and transaction etc
This project will have insights on how to request location permission (and Background permission) in many different ways, how to use fused location provider to get user current location/ last known location. This also includes how to implement Geofencing in android.
All about Constraint Layout including Guidelines, Barrier, Group, Chains etc. with Example Layouts
Demo showing the possibilities of ConstraintLayout for the Mastering Android Layouts Workshop
This repo clears the concept of coroutines with practical examples.
Imagine if a third person gets some of our private information say our credit card number. So, we use encryption to send data over the internet. In simple terms, encryption is the process of converting plain text or data into a unreadable form and Decryption is the reverse process of encryption converting encrypted data back to it's original form.
This project is built in Android with Kotlin Language using Espresso UI Framework for Test cases
This repository covers study on jetpack compose. So if you're new to Jetpack Compose and wants to learn it step by step then this repo is for you.
This repository will help to understand lambdas and high order functions in android with various examples. This is well suited for absolute begineers
Its a playground application focusing on Paging3, MVVM architecture, Kotlin Extension functions, Retrofit, DSL, Navigation component, MotionLayout, SharedElementTransition, Single Activity Architecture, DataStore etc.
This repository contains a very sample app that implements MVVM architecture using binding
This project explains how to use Navigation Architecture and how to navigate b/w destinations
All About Niharika Arora
Room Database with Coroutines. This repo covers all operations like Select, Insert, Delete, Update etc.
This Project contains UI Screenshot Test cases where we have one baseline to compare with and a few test cases
Simple Tip Calculator Android App where you'll enter your bill amount, tip in percentage and this app will calculate total amount including tip and will show you the same
This Repo provides a comprehensive guide on implementing unit testing in Android applications, covers various assertion functions and the Hemcrest library
Mockito allows developers to easily create mock objects, which can simulate the behavior of real objects during testing. This can be especially useful, where there are often many dependencies and components that can be difficult to test individually.