
CRUD Rest Services Demo with Spring Boot, Maven & Mockito

Primary LanguageJava

CRUD Rest Services Demo with Spring Boot, Maven & Mockito

##Introduction: This is a basic demo of a set of CRUD Rest APIs (secured by token-based authentication) which has the following functionality: Receive a JSON String from a web page and store it in a mongoDB collection Displays all stored strings Delete one of the stored strings Edit one of stored strings

##Technologies used:

  1. Build: Maven
  2. Web Services Framework: Spring Boot
  3. Service Authentication: Spring Security OAuth2
  4. MongoDB Interface: Spring Boot Starter Data MongoDB
  5. Testing: Mockito, JUnit Requirements: Java 8, Maven, MongoDB

##Steps to run:

  1. Install and run MongoDB (http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/getting-started/)

  2. mvn clean package (in project folder)

  3. java -jar target/octus-restdemo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

  4. To run specific curl commands from terminal:

Do this before any other commands: ####1) Get Auth Token

curl -H "Accept: application/json" my-client-with-secret:secret@localhost:8080/oauth/token -d grant_type=client_credentials

This will return an access token which looks like this

{"access_token":"5f9f9f99-0811-4d3e-95a1-a0abab1c0679","token_type":"bearer","expires_in":43199,"scope":"read write"}

####2) Set Auth Token


Use this command to set the TOKEN variable in your session to whatever token is presented above.

####3) Run the following commands for various CRUD operations: Substitute {id} with the id of the object you are interested in.

#####Top Level Service

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" localhost:8080

#####GET (returns all objects)

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" localhost:8080/api


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H "Content-type: text/plain" -X PUT -d '{ “name”: “value”, “name2”: “value2” }' http://localhost:8080/api/{id}


curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" http://localhost:8080/api/{id}


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: text/plain" -X POST -d '{ "name": "value" }' http://localhost:8080/api/

##Incremental Approach/Thought Process:

  1. Set up skeleton Maven project with Spring Boot (MVC) and MongoDB dependencies, Spring Security. Project Structure as following:
	*	/restdemo
	*	/restdemo/controller
	*	/restdemo/model
	*	/restdemo/objects (normally we would split this into BO and DTO for clear separation of logic, but unnecessary in this case so I’ve condensed into one package)
	*	/restdemo/service
  1. Create Service and Model Interfaces

  2. Create our RestObject class

  3. Set up test framework dependencies and write the following test classes for services and authentication tests: AuthenticationTest DataServiceTestImpl

  4. Write Service, Model, and Controller classes and wire them together with Spring Boot annotations

  5. Perform Unit Testing and packaging

##Improvements/Future work:

-Unit Test class for Authentication flow -Integration Test for end-to-end flow, i.e. client request <-> Controller handling <-> Backend services -Provide more validation checks, error and format checking, and error-handling for service calls -Use a config file to inject RestObjects into test classes


These are specific concerns I addressed via my implementation:

####1) Spring Boot as a framework for prototyping the Rest services

For the purposes of this demo I have chosen Spring Boot and here’s why:

  • Provides out-of-the-box implementation for Restful web services and highly recommended by Spring (thus no need for a lot of boilerplate code)

  • I don’t have to configure web.xml as defaults are good enough for us

  • Test scope dependencies: Provides support for Spring Test, JUnit, Mockito, Hamcrest

  • If more granular control is required, we can easily override the default beans instantiated by Boot

  • Can be easily extended, if necessary, to run Spring Boot Actuator which provides several interfaces for the following:

    • /health – returns “ok” as text/plain content which is useful for simple service monitoring
    • /env – check environment configuration, property file and command line argument overrides, active profiles
    • /metrics – basic statistics on your service endpoints (e.g. hit count, error count)
    • /dump – thread dump
    • /trace – the latest HTTP request/response pairs

####2) Objects

As there are no objects or variables specified, there is only one Java object created called RestObject. It contains two variables: id for unique identification, and contents, which is merely the whole JSON dump of the object.