
A simple leaflet plugin to measure true bearing and distance between clicked points

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Leaflet-Ruler Plugin

A simple leaflet plugin to measure true bearing and distance between clicked points. Extends L.Control.



  • Leaflet 1.0.0+


  • Create a leaflet map
  • Include leaflet-ruler.js and leaflet-ruler.css files.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn.rawgit.com/gokertanrisever/leaflet-ruler/master/src/leaflet-ruler.css">
<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/gokertanrisever/leaflet-ruler/master/src/leaflet-ruler.js"></script>
  • Add Ruler control to map
  • Escape button finishes measurement path and starts a new measurement. Second push to escape turns off the plugin.
  • Double-click also finishes measurement path and starts a new measurement.
  • It's possible to add other units. No need to specify any option value to use defaults.
var options = {
          position: 'topleft',
          lengthUnit: {
            factor: 0.539956803,    //  from km to nm
            display: 'Nautical Miles',
            decimal: 2

Default Options

options: {
      position: 'topright',         // Leaflet control position option
      circleMarker: {               // Leaflet circle marker options for points used in this plugin
        color: 'red',
        radius: 2
      lineStyle: {                  // Leaflet polyline options for lines used in this plugin
        color: 'red',
        dashArray: '1,6'
      lengthUnit: {                 // You can use custom length units. Default unit is kilometers.
        display: 'km',              // This is the display value will be shown on the screen. Example: 'meters'
        decimal: 2,                 // Distance result will be fixed to this value. 
        factor: null,               // This value will be used to convert from kilometers. Example: 1000 (from kilometers to meters)  
        label: 'Distance:'           
      angleUnit: {
        display: '&deg;',           // This is the display value will be shown on the screen. Example: 'Gradian'
        decimal: 2,                 // Bearing result will be fixed to this value.
        factor: null,                // This option is required to customize angle unit. Specify solid angle value for angle unit. Example: 400 (for gradian).
        label: 'Bearing:'