
[BETA] React wrapper of Checkout.com Frames.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This project is a minimalistic React wrapper of Checkout.com Frames. This version only supports the multiple iframes mode.

🚀 Install

npm install frames-react

🌐 Load the CDN

Make sure that you load the CDN before you mount the Frames components. You can add it for example in your index.html file.

<script src="https://cdn.checkout.com/js/framesv2.min.js"></script>

If you use server side rendering like Next you can add it in the Head:

    <script src="https://cdn.checkout.com/js/framesv2.min.js"></script>

✨ Import the components

import { Frames, CardNumber, ExpiryDate, Cvv } from "frames-react";

💪 Example Usage

Make sure you wrap the card input components inside Frames wrapper component.

        debug: true,
        publicKey: 'pk_test_6e40a700-d563-43cd-89d0-f9bb17d35e73',
        localization: {
            cardNumberPlaceholder: 'Card number',
            expiryMonthPlaceholder: 'MM',
            expiryYearPlaceholder: 'YY',
            cvvPlaceholder: 'CVV',
        style: {
            base: {
                fontSize: '17px',
    ready={() => {}}
    frameActivated={(e) => {}}
    frameFocus={(e) => {}}
    frameBlur={(e) => {}}
    frameValidationChanged={(e) => {}}
    paymentMethodChanged={(e) => {}}
    cardValidationChanged={(e) => {}}
    cardSubmitted={() => {}}
    cardTokenized={(e) => {}}
    cardTokenizationFailed={(e) => {}}
    <CardNumber />
    <ExpiryDate />
    <Cvv />

Trigger tokenisation

To trigger the tokenisation, this wrapper has a static methods called submitCard() Here is a full example of the full flow:

        publicKey: 'pk_test_6e40a700-d563-43cd-89d0-f9bb17d35e73',
    cardTokenized={(e) => {
    <ExpiryDate />
    <Cvv />

        onClick={() => {
        PAY GBP 25.00

💳 Cardholder

If you need to inject the cardholder name on go, for cases where you render the payment form at the same time as the input for the billing and cardholder name, you can simply update the props and Frames will reflect the latest changes

const [cardholder, setCardholder] = useState({
   name: '',
   phone: '',
   billingAddress: {
       addressLine1: '',
       cardholder: {
           name: cardholder.name,
           phone: cardholder.phone,
           billingAddress: cardholder.billingAddress,
   onChange={(e) => {
           name: e.target.value,
           phone: '7123456789',
           billingAddress: {
               addressLine1: 'London Street',

The props

prop description
config The config is an object following the reference of Checkout.com Frames.
ready Triggered when Frames is registered on the global namespace and safe to use.
frameActivated Triggered when the form is rendered.
frameFocus Triggered when an input field receives focus. Use it to check the validation status and apply the wanted UI changes.
frameBlur Triggered after an input field loses focus. Use it to check the validation status and apply the wanted UI changes.
frameValidationChanged Triggered when a field's validation status has changed. Use it to show error messages or update the UI.
paymentMethodChanged Triggered when a valid payment method is detected based on the card number being entered. Use this event to change the card icon.
cardValidationChanged Triggered when the state of the card validation changes.
cardSubmitted Triggered when the card form has been submitted.
cardTokenized Triggered after a card is tokenized.

Static functions

function description
init Initializes (or re-initializes) Frames.
isCardValid Returns the state of the card form validation.
submitCard Submits the card form if all form values are valid.
addEventHandler Adds a handler that is called when the specified event is triggered.
removeEventHandler Removes a previously added handler from an event by providing the event name and handler as arguments in the method.
removeAllEventHandlers Removes all handlers added to the event specified.
enableSubmitForm Retains the entered card details and allows you to resubmit the payment form.