Rental House Management System

Steps to run the project are as follow:

Database used for this project is mySQL hence in order to run project you can use a virtual server i.e XAMPP on your PC, Install XAMPP, open xampp control panel and start Apache server and in the browser and go to phpmyadmin http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ and extract the project files, then the steps are as follow:

  • Copy the main project folder and navigate to location where you have installed xammp
  • Paste project folder in xampp/htdocs/
  • In http://localhost/phpmyadmin/, Click on the databases tab and create a database naming rhms and then click on the import tab
  • Click on browse file and select rhms.sql file which is inside the db folder of our project and click go.
  • after that open db.js file present in the db folder change password with password of your root directory.


Install mySQL on your system and create the database for the project manually

Steps are as follow:

  • Open terminal in project directory and type npm install (nodejs should be installed in your system)
  • then type node server.js or nodemon server.js, once message stating db connected appears then open browser
  • Now the server is running on http://localhost:4343/