- 0
The Loom and quasar
#354 opened by fzc721216 - 1
foreach和spring aop怎么处理
#353 opened by a1zhangyong - 3
system start java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/esotericsoftware/kryo/Serializer
#334 opened by yangchao228 - 2
WARNING: co.paralleluniverse.fibers.FiberForkJoinScheduler@4446cced] is blocking a thread
#336 opened by ioandy - 2
Is this still be maintained?
#350 opened by shiyanhui - 2
Has the project been abandoned?
#335 opened by AceHack - 2
MethodDatabase.isProblematicClass throw NPE
#326 opened by velo - 0
Can i use Future.get() in Fiber task?
#343 opened by LingXi1420 - 2
JDK 14 Support
#337 opened by asasisekar - 1
Provide functional style API?
#347 opened by kevinten10 - 0
- 0
do you forget something in co.paralleluniverse.common.util.UtilUnsafe class?
#345 opened by mashirofang - 0
Version 0.8.0 fails to instrument Java 11 classes
#344 opened by jbrinnand - 0
- 1
why do I call the constructor multiple times when I use sleep in another thread
#341 opened by MiracleJoey - 9
Illegal reflective access
#321 opened by ipkpjersi - 1
- 1
- 1
- 2
- 1
NullPointException throw in co.paralleluniverse.strands.concurrent.ReentrantLock.lock() invokation
#315 opened by kimffy24 - 7
- 0
Creating 2 FiberScheduler with MonitorType.METRICS cause "A metric named runawayFibers already exists"
#330 opened by bckfnn - 1
Groovy support for FiberAsync
#329 opened by devent - 2
Deep stack will Cost more CPU
#316 opened by yiYangGit - 1
- 2
Class files published to maven are version 54, even though they should probably be 52 (breaks Graal)
#324 opened by doctorpangloss - 0
Problem integrating fiber wtih Apache Camel
#328 opened by sakshivijay - 1
Fails to instrument Vert.x project
#327 opened by mehcode - 3
JDK 11 Support
#317 opened by bellthomas - 0
Ahead of time instrumentation tips
#320 opened by doctorpangloss - 8
Quasar now works in JDK 11
#305 opened by doctorpangloss - 6
Fiber.sleep Caused the loss of "tasks"
#311 opened by yuri-li - 0
cosocket use quasar and some change of netty
#318 opened by yiYangGit - 1
Usage Question: Scheduling tasks within a fiber without spawning a new thread
#312 opened by sheldonkreger - 3
Control over ThreadLocal swapping
#304 opened by exFalso - 1
Synch Call is not working called within fiberHandler
#310 opened by HR2132 - 2
Java 9 Release
#295 opened by unicomp21 - 3
How to co-work with cglib
#306 opened by yanxinyuan - 0
- 1
- 0
`getFiberSerializer` is slow
#303 opened by exFalso - 0
new feature
#299 opened by publicocean0 - 0
Does quasar work if a fiber is calling a JNI containing a c++ boost fibers manager?
#301 opened by publicocean0 - 0
FiberServerSocketChannel no selector?
#300 opened by publicocean0 - 0
Problems using Aspectj : [quasar] WARNING: Method not found in class - assuming suspendable
#298 opened by hfrh - 1
- 6
[instrumentationTask] ERROR: /home/.../XX.class
#293 opened by rendaw - 2
Incorrect instrumentation verification codepath triggered by function overloads.
#294 opened by exFalso - 0