
re writing my c++ gitalias into rust for fun

Primary LanguageRust

gitalias rust


Moving away from string parsing to libgit2 main-old.rs will be the old file

a rewrite of my personal gitalias from C++ to Rust

because in every c++ developer is a future rust developer


A simple terminal program that simply parses your arguments
in to a bunch of git commands that is passed into bash and executed


gitlias-rust -i -a . -c -m 'commit added' -r 'test' -D 'test repo' -t true -o punixcorn/test

will be Translated into

# -i
git init
# -a ...
git add .
# -c -m '...'
git commit -m 'commit added'

# -r , -D , -t will  create a repo online with your key called "test"
# with the description of "test repo" and publicity : true

# -o
git remote add origin  punixcorn/test
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main

Special cases

ga -c
  • where you do not have a local repository created it will ask
    and automatically create it for you
  • since add was not specified it will add all files
  • since message was not specified it will use a default message


git init
git add .
git commit -m "init commit" # will use `init commit` if the local
# repository was just created else it will use `changes made`


cargo build

binary should be in ./target/debug/gitalias-rust