
my os kernel (modifiy from ucos186)

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my os kernel (modifiy from ucos186) create on 2019.11.29 In LNNU your can eamil tommao9925@gmail.com or direcetly issues on this page to report bugs or question, I will repeat immediately. :)


Thanks to my OS teacher selfless tutorial, for contact you can email qing_kun@163.com or 13804249076@163.com


  • XP3 sp3
  • borlandc

v0.01 update

  1. remove all unrelated function for easier operation, OSMapTbl and OSUnMapTbl.
  2. add a OSTaskQueue and OSBlocQuue for process priority control.
  3. modifiy the idle process and the 1st process(to print data to display the detail how the os running), remove all other process.

after all the modify, you can choose any process you want manually, and see the how the two process runnig.

v0.02 update

  1. repair a bug in OSInit, your can see the source code, I annotate the bug repair.
  2. we let the program run 1st process as soon as executed.
  3. recover the OSTimeDly, OSSched, in task 1 (also the 1st process now), call OSTimeDly, make itself blocked, then we schedule the system, let the idle process running.

finished this step, we finished a schedule from a process to another process, so we can call it a simple process switch.

v0.03 update

  • a little improve based on v0.02.
  1. let the idle process no longer store into the TaskQueue immediately when we call OSInit, but store the idle process when we found the TaskQueue is empty.
  2. you can crete no or two Task process see the change.

so you can image, if we found the process' dely is 0, we need to remove the idle process from the head of OSTaskQueue, that is our next step.